Page 66 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 66

Releasing the past does not mean erasing its existence or pretending it never happened. It’s is about relinquishing the grip of anger and resentment that have dragged you down for far too long, and instead, choosing to set foot upon the path of progress.
Forgiveness, often seen as a sign of weakness, may in fact be one of the most formidable acts we can undertake. Consider this—what if forgiving someone is the key that unlocks our own liberation? What if by pardoning the wrongdoings of others, we grant ourselves the freedom to forge ahead, unchained from the ghosts of the past?
Yet, let us acknowledge that there are certain wounds too deep to mend, certain transgressions that inflict irrevocable harm. In such instances, forgiveness may seem unattainable, or require a significant passage of time. Additionally, some may struggle to forgive, unable to release the grip of anger and pain, or due to a perception that the wrongdoer fails to comprehend or accept the weight of their actions.
We all stumble. We err and falter, and at times, we bear the weight of remorse for actions that haunt our conscience. Yet, just as crucial is the act of forgiving ourselves. But let us not forget the importance of forgiving others as well. In granting forgiveness, we grant ourselves the liberty to do our own thing and embrace the untrodden path of our lives. For if we hold on to grudges and refuse

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