Page 142 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 142

Chapter 8 – Public Works

      violation of this ordinance to allow said garbage and/or offal to so remain. In
      addition to citing said offender, the Building Inspector is authorized to arrange
      for the individual collection of said garbage and/or offal and to charge the cost
      of the special collection back to the property owner as a special charge
      pursuant to Section 66.0627 of the Wis. Stats. The Village Clerk shall invoice
      the property owner and if not paid within 14 days of the Clerk sending out the
      invoice, the charge shall be deemed delinquent and may be placed on the
      current or next tax roll for collection and settlement under Chapter 74 of the
      Wisconsin Statues.

(j) The use and placement of dumpsters and other cubic yard-type containers for
      garbage, offal, and debris, for businesses, institutions, condominium
      developments and apartment units is authorized pursuant to the following
      terms and conditions:

      1. The container must have self-closing doors or other mechanisms to insure
            that the lid remains closed except when items are in the process of being
            placed inside and all garbage, rubbish, debris and/ offal must be placed
            within the container and in such a manner that the container doors can be

      2. The container shall be placed on asphalt or concrete;

      3. The container shall be emptied as necessary to prevent the overflow of
            garbage or to prevent odors or unhealthy condition due to the decay of

      4. In residential areas (as defined by the Village Zoning Code) the container
            shall be located behind the main building which is defined as behind a
            line formed by the farthest back wall (from the street on which the
            building fronts) of the building or located pursuant to a Village approved
            site plan or development agreement.

      5. If the location specified in # 4 above is not possible, the Building
            Inspector is authorized to issue a written exemption to said requirement
            provided that the location of the container is approved by the Building
            Inspector and that the container is screened on four sides as approved by
            the Building Inspector and all garbage, rubbish, offal and debris is kept
            within the confines of said screening.

      6. That failure to comply with any of the conditions of this section shall be a
            violation of this ordinance. In addition to citing said offender, if garbage,
            rubbish or offal is not confined to the dumpster or cubic yard-type

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