Page 155 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 155

               PEACE AND ORDER

Section Title                                           Ordinance Date of
Number                                                  Number Ordinance

9.01 Loitering of Minors Prohibited                     2008-23 12/16/08
9.02 Animals Running at Large                           2011-06 11/01/11
9.03 Keeping Livestock Within the Village Limits
9.04 Open Burning

9.05   Disorderly Conduct                               2010-03 03/16/10
9.055  Radios and Other Electric Sound Amplification    2001-44 12/4/01
       Devices                                          2006-13 07/05/06
9.06   Unlawful Assemblies and Their Suppression        2009-10 1113/09
9.07   Weapons
9.08   Shoplifting                                      2007-13 10/02/07
9.09   Trespass on Private or Public Property           2012-04 05/01/12
9.10   Criminal Damage to Property
9.105  Graffiti
9.11   Storage of Abandoned, Junked or Dismantled
       Motor Vehicles
9.115  Garbage, Ashes and Rubbish.
9.12   Possession of Marijuana
9.125  Drug Paraphernalia
9.13   Interference with Law Enforcement and Fire
9.14   TFihgehftting
       Possession and Consumption of Intoxicants in or
9.155  Upon Certain Public Places

9.156  Offenses Involving Alcohol Beverages by
9.16   Underage Person
9.18   Purchase or Possession of Tobacco Products

       Deposit of Ashes

       False Fire or Rescue Alarm

       Village Parks

9.185 Retention Pond Regulations                        2008-17 08/19/08
                                                        2011-08 12/06/11

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