Page 168 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 168

  Chapter 9 - Peace and Order

        (b) Carrying Of Dangerous Weapons. No person, except a bona fide Peace
                Officer, shall be found at or upon any public place in the Village
                carrying or having within his reach any Dangerous Weapon or Firearm,
                whether Concealed or in plain view. Plain view, within the meaning of
                this section, does not include weapons carried in a case which do not
                permit immediate access to such weapon. Private security guards
                approved by the Village Fire Chief and while on duty are exempt from
                the prohibition against carrying weapons in plain view.

        State Law Reference: Sec. 941.235, Wis. Stats.

        (c) Discharge of Dangerous Weapons.

                (1) No person, except a bona fide Peace Officer, shall discharge any
                         Dangerous Weapon or Firearm within the Village regardless of
                         whether that person is on privately owned or public property,
                         except as permitted in par. (2) below.

                (2) The Discharge of BB guns may be permitted for safety programs
                         recognized and approved by the Village Board.

                (3) No person shall throw, toss or propel a Dangerous Weapon at
                         or near another person whether either person is on privately owned
                         or public property.


        (a) Any person violating this section of the Municipal Code of Ordinances
                shall be subject to the penalty provisions in Section 25.04 of this Code.

        (b) Any weapon involved in a violation of any subsection of this ordinance
                may be seized and held by the Village's Police Department until
                disposition of any citation or charge issued takes place. Upon conviction
                of a violation of any subsection, the weapon may be ordered destroyed by
                the court.


        (a) The provisions of this Section shall not prohibit the discharge of
                Firearms in the following cases:

                (1) By a bona fide Peace Officer while in the lawful discharge of
                         official duties.

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