Page 202 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 202

  Chapter 9 - Peace and Order


Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any person who shall violate any
provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Section 25.04 of
this Municipal Code. In addition to any penalty imposed for violation of Section
9.943.01(1), any person who shall cause physical damage to or destroy any public
property shall be liable for the costs of replacing or repairing such damaged or
destroyed property. The parent of any unemancipated minor child who violates
Section 9.943.01(1) may also be held liable for the cost of repairing such damaged or
destroyed property in accordance with §895.035, Wis. Stats.

                         FORFEITURE. (Am. #091-13; #095-27)

The following statutes following the prefix “9” defining offenses against the peace
and good order of the State of Wisconsin, as set forth in the Wisconsin Statutes, as
amended from time to time, are adopted by reference to define offenses against the
peace and good order of the Village, provided the penalty for commission of such
offenses hereunder shall be limited to a forfeiture imposed under Section 25.04 of this
Municipal Code:

9.29.601(3)(a) Throwing Refuse in Waters

9.101.123  Smoking or Allowing Smoking Where Prohibited

9.110.075(7) Producing, Manufacturing or Using Inspection Sticker


9.134.06   Motor Vehicles Sales/Bonus to Chauffeurs for Purchases


9.134.66   Sale or Gift of Cigarettes or Tobacco Products to a Child

9.146.70   Statewide Emergency Services Number

9.175.25   Illegal Storage of Junked Vehicles

9.218.0145 Used Cars/Prohibited Acts

9.218.0147 Motor Vehicles/Sale to Minor

9.254.76   Causing Fires by Tobacco Smoking

9.285.30(6) Tampering with Pollution Control System or Mechanism

9.939.05   Parties to Crime

9.939.22   Words and Phrases Defined

9.939.32   Attempt

9.940.19(1) Battery

9.941.10   Negligent Handling of Burning Materials

9.941.12(2),(3) Interfering With or Failing to Assist in Fire Fighting

9.941.13   False Alarms and Interference with Fire Fighting

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