Page 107 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 107

 READING            Read. Check T for True and F for False.

                    1. In France, children eat lunch outside.                                         T     F
 1  Listen and read. TR: 6.8
                    2. In France, children sometimes eat fruit with lunch.                            T     F
 What’s for lunch     3. In Japan, children help clean the classroom together after lunch.  T     F

                    4. In Russia, children sometimes eat soup for lunch.
                                                                                                      T     F
 Millions of children around the world   5. In Brazil, many children eat rice and beans.              T     F
 eat lunch at school. Some bring their
 lunch from home. Others eat food that

 the school makes for them. Schools in   3  Read. Complete the chart.
 different countries make different kinds
 of lunches.            Country            Where do they eat?                What they sometimes eat

 In France, children eat together in a
 cafeteria. They have a big lunch because   Japan  France
 they don’t eat snacks in the morning.   Russia
 Sometimes they eat fish or sausages, with

 vegetables or salad. Then they may have   Japan
 fruit or a piece of cake.  
 In Japan, children usually eat their

 lunch in the classroom. They eat soup,
 rice or noodles, fish and vegetables.
 They drink milk, too. After lunch, all   4  Talk about what the people eat. What do you eat?
 the children work together to clean the   Work with a partner.
 classroom.  Brazil

 In Brazil, children may eat rice and     I have cereal for
 beans, salad, and cooked vegetables or   breakfast.
 meat for lunch. And sometimes they eat

 fruit, as well.

 In Russia, children eat vegetable
 soup and fish or meat with bread. One   Every day half
 delicious soup, called borscht, is made   the people in the

 with dark red vegetables called beets.   world eat rice.
                                                                                                        I do, too!


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