Page 113 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 113

                  2     Listen and match. You can match more than one. TR: xx
 1  Listen and read. TR: 6.9

 The Gingerbread Man                   Grandma             • runs after the gingerbread man.

   Grandma makes a beautiful gingerbread man. “Mmmm. I’m hungry.
 I want to eat you,” says Grandma.
                                       fox                 • is hungry.
   The gingerbread man jumps up. He says “You can’t eat me! Run,
 run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”
 Grandma is surprised!

   The gingerbread man runs out of the house. Grandma runs after him.   coyote   • makes a gingerbread man.

   He runs to a forest. He sees a fox. “Mmmm. I’m hungry,”
 says the fox. “I want to eat you!”

   The gingerbread man says, “You can’t eat me! Run, run, as fast as    turtle   • takes the gingerbread man across the river.
 you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread man!”

   He sees a coyote. “Mmmm. I’m hungry,” says
 the coyote. I want to eat you!” The coyote runs
 after the gingerbread man.  3  Listen and check. Check T for True and F for False.
   The gingerbread man says “You can’t eat me!    1. The gingerbread man is a cookie.            T    F
 Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me.
 I’m the gingerbread man!”  2. The fox doesn’t want to eat the gingerbread man.                  T    F

   He runs to a river. He sees a turtle. “I’m not hungry.    3. The turtle helps the gingerbread man.   T    F
 I don’t want to eat you,” says the turtle.

   “Oh, good!” says the gingerbread man. “I have to
 cross the river! Can you help me, please?”  4  Express yourself. Choose an activity.

   “Yes, I can,” says the turtle. “Jump on my back.”
                        a.  Write a short paragraph about what happens to the gingerbread
   The gingerbread man jumps on the turtle’s back.    man next.
 They swim across the river.
                        b.  Make masks and perform a play about the gingerbread man.
   The gingerbread man jumps off the turtle’s back.
 He says, “Thank you,” and runs away.  c.  Make or bake your own gingerbread man. Take photos. Share them
                           with your class.
   “Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me.
 I’m the gingerbread man!”

 110  Extended Reading                                                                                        111
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