Page 129 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 129


 1  Read. Read about Daniel’s favorite way to keep fit.   Keep fit.

 He uses because to explain why he likes swimming.
             Take care of your body.

             Exercise .
 Swim to Keep Fit!

 Swimming is my favorite way to keep

 fit. It’s great exercise and a lot of fun,
 too! I like it because you move all of your

 body. You use your arms, your shoulders,
 your legs—and all your muscles.
 Another reason I like it is because

 you can swim inside or outside. In winter
 I go to the swimming pool. In summer
 I sometimes swim in the sea. I like

 that because it feels different. I like to
 swim in races, too. But my favorite thing
 is to splash water and have fun with

 my friends!

 2  Write. Do you keep fit? What exercise or sport

 do you like? Why?

 3  Share your writing. Work in a small group.

 Listen and fill the chart.

 Name  Activity  Why

             Think. Pair. Share.

             Do you exercise?                                                       Central Park, New York City, USA

             What do like to you do?

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