Page 25 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 25


             Take care
 1  Read. What words or phrases does the writer use to show when
 her uncle does things? Underline the words.  of others.

             Sometimes others need
 A Zookeeper’s Day  your help. Be caring.

 My uncle is a zookeeper. He takes care of some of the
 monkeys in the zoo. He gets up at 6:30 every morning. After he

 has breakfast, he feeds the monkeys. There are more than 60

 monkeys, so there’s a lot of food! The monkeys eat vegetables,
 fruits, and special monkey food.
 Before lunch my uncle usually

 cleans the monkey house. It’s   Think. Pair. Share.

 hard work! In the afternoon   How can we take care
 he feeds the monkeys again.   of others?
 Sometimes he talks to the

 visitors at the zoo. He loves his

 job. And I love to visit him
 at the zoo!

 2  Write. Think about someone who takes care of animals

 or people. Write about his or her day.

 3  Share. Share your writing in a small group. Listen and take notes.

 Name  Who?  What does he or she do?

 Ana  her aunt  She‘s a nurse. She works at the
 hospital every day.                                                                        Adult and baby
                                                                                            macaque, Japan

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