Page 115 - Our World 2E_AmE_L6_SB-
P. 115

Let’s   Talk  Actually, it’s true.

                I will . . .
                •  express surprise and disbelief.
                •  contest a fact.
                •  quote a source.
 I mean . . .   •  agree to disagree / concede.

 I will . . .  3 3
 •  ask a friend for help.  Listen and read. TR: 6.13
 •  give myself time to think.
 •  correct myself.  Dilek:   Why don’t we write about ants? There are more than 16,000 species
 •  show doubt.               of ants on the planet. And they’re cool!
                    Leyla:  No way! Where did you get that idea?

 1  Listen and read. TR: 6.12  Dilek:   Actually, it’s true. And according to the scientist Edward O. Wilson, there
                              might be even more species than that.
 Flavio:  Can you help me with my homework,
 guys? I’m confused.  Leyla:  OK, let’s write about ants then!

 Paulo:   Sure, Flavio. What’s the problem?
                       Where did you get       Actually, it’s true.    According to            OK.

                                               You know, there
 Flavio:   What’s the difference between a tornado and a thunderstorm? I don’t get it.    that idea?  OK,    then!
                       You can’t be serious!     are many sources.     Research shows          All right. Let’s . . .
 Paulo:  Well, tornadoes bring heavy rain. I mean, they bring a lot of wind, not rain.  Sorry, but I don’t see    In fact, that’s right.    that . . .  That’s interesting.
                         how that’s possible.                          A study by              I’ve never thought
 Joao:    Yeah. And the wind moves very fast, in a circle.               shows that . . .        about that before.
 Paulo:   But a thunderstorm is different. There’s lots of rain.

 Flavio:   Are you sure? I always thought that thunderstorms had lots of wind, too.  4  Listen. You will hear two discussions. Circle the answer. TR: 6.14

                    1. Who or what do the students quote?
 Can you help me   Sure. What’s the    Well, . . .  Are you sure?     a. a website    b. a study    c. an explorer    d. their teacher
   with    , guys?    problem?  I mean, . . .  Is that right?
 I’m confused.  Of course! Tell me.  Let me think.  I don’t think so.  2. Who or what do the students quote?
 I don’t get it.   Hang on.      a. a website    b. a study    c. an explorer    d. their teacher
 Um . . .  I always thought that . . .
 I read that . . .  5
 I heard that . . .  Discuss. Work with a partner. Choose a situation and discuss.
  told me that . . .
                    1.  I heard on TV that chocolate is good for you. Let’s write about that.

 2  Discuss. Work in groups of three. Use the chart. Discuss English words   2.  Why don’t we do a report on “BASE jumping”? You know, about 200 people have
 that you often find confusing. For example:  died doing this sport. I read it in a magazine.
                    3.  Let’s do a project on ancient Egypt. There are lots of articles on the National
 history and story    alone and lonely     fun and funny  Geographic website about it.

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