Page 5 - Our World 2nd level 2 -
P. 5

Scope and Sequence

 UNIT 0  1  2  3  4  5         6                    7                     8                     9

 My Family  Fun in Class  Boots and    Fun in the Sun  Inside Our House  Day by Day   How Are You?   Awesome Animals   The World of Work   Let´s Eat!
 p. 4  p. 10  Bathing Suits   p. 42  p. 62  p. 78  p. 94  p. 112          p. 128                p. 144
 p. 26

 Content AreA     Social and Instructional   Language Arts, Science  Language Arts, Health and   Social Studies  Social and Instructional   Language Arts  Science, Social Studies  Language Arts, Social Studies  Social Studies, Health and
 ConneCtIon  Language, Language Arts  Physical Education  Language, Language Arts              Physical Education

 •  say what people are doing  •  talk about the weather  •  say what I like to do outside  •  name furniture  •  say what I do every day  •  say how people look  •  name animals  • talk about jobs  • talk about foods
 GoALS  •  say what classroom objects   •  talk about my clothes  •  say what I do on different days  •  name household objects  •  talk about when I do things  •  talk about how people feel  •  describe animals  • talk about where people work  • say what I like to eat
  SC: 1  I am using  •  say when it is hot or cold  •  say what I like  •  say where things in a house are  •  name parts of the day  •  talk about what people are   •  talk about what animals can   • say what I want to be  • ask politely for things
 •  show where things are      doing                 and can’t do
 coloring, counting, cutting,   bathing suit, boots, cloudy,    fly a kite, jump rope, play a game,   armchair, bookcase, fireplace,   brush my teeth, eat breakfast,    angry, bored, excited, hungry,   camel, crocodile,elephant, giraffe,   bus driver, chef, dentist, doctor,   beans, bread, carrots, corn,
 drawing, erasing, gluing, listening,  cold, hot, raincoat, rainy, snowy,   play baseball, play basketball,   microwave, rug, shelves, shower,   eat dinner, eat lunch, get dressed,   scared, silly, surprised, thirsty,   hippo, hop, kangaroo, lion,   farmer, firefighter, nurse, office   hamburgers, ice cream, mangoes,
 reading, talking, writing  sunny, sweater, windy  play hide and seek, play soccer,   stairs, stove, tub  get up, go to bed, go to school,   tired, worried  monkey, panda, parrot, penguin,   worker, police officer, scientist,    meat, noodles, pasta, peppers,
 ride a bike, rollerblade, skateboard  play video games, play with   swing, tiger, zebra  singer, vet  potatoes, tomatoes
 Strategy: Base words and   Strategy: Alphabetical Order  Strategy: Compound words  Strategy: Antonyms and
 endings: -ing  Strategy: Multiple-meaning   friends, wash my face  Synonyms  Strategy: Context Clues  Strategy: Base words and   Strategy: Using a Dictionary
 VoCAbuLAry 1 & 2  coat, jeans, shorts, sneakers,    words  door, phone, refrigerator, sink,   Strategy: Irregular plurals  endings -er, -or
  SC: 2–4  glue, marker, notebook,    umbrella  window  crying, frowning, laughing,   big teeth, colorful feathers,    cheese, chips, grapes, nuts,
 paintbrush, scissors  bounce a ball, catch a ball, play   at night, in the afternoon, in the   smiling, yawning  long trunk, sharp claws, short tail  artist, inventor, movie star,    snacks, yogurt
 Strategy: Alphabetical Order  Strategy: Single sounds: /oʊ/
 Strategy: Comparing Sounds:   tag, throw a ball, watch a game  evening, in the morning, late  rock star, soccer player  Strategy: Comparing Sounds:
 /s/ and /z/  Strategy: Comparing sounds:                               /i:/ and /ɪ/
 /eɪ/ and /aɪ/
 Present progressive,    What’s + noun + like? and   Like + infinitive  Prepositions of place  Telling time  He/she looks  Can and can’t for ability  Use the simple present to talk   Questions with any or
 first person plural  answers using It’s…                                 about jobs           questions and answers
 GrAmmAr 1 & 2  Let’s  Subject-pronoun agreement:    Adverbs of frequency  Regular and irregular plurals  Simple present tense,    with any
  SC: 6–7  Questions with Are there...?   Imperatives  it, they  subject-verb agreement  Simple present with
 and short answers                                                        want + infinitive      Polite requests with may
 Paper Art  Snow Animals  Amazing Playgrounds  Fun Houses  A Day in the Space Station  Fabulous Faces  Two Big Birds  Wonderful Work!  Super Snacks!
 reADInG  Strategy: Compare and   Strategy: Identify Main Idea   Strategy: Ask Questions  Strategy: Use Visuals to Support   Strategy: Identify Sequence of   Strategy: Ask Questions  Strategy: Compare and   Strategy: Summarize  Strategy: Scan Text for
 Contrast  and Details  Comprehension  Events       Contrast                                   Information
 Draw and write about you   Write about a picture    Write about activities.  Write about a room in    Write about your    Write about a photo of a   Write about a favorite   Write about a person’s job.  Write about favorite snacks.
 and your friend.  of yourself.  your house.  favorite day.  special event.  animal.
 WrItInG  Focus: Write about what you                                     Focus: Write about a person’s   Focus: Write about your
 Focus: Write short sentences   Focus: Describe weather and   like to do.  Focus: Write about a room in    Focus: Write about a    Focus: Describe a photo of a   Focus: Write about a favorite   job.  favorite snacks.
 and identify names and actions.  clothes.  your house.  favorite day.  special event.  animal.
 Be neat.  Dress for the weather.  Be a good sport.  Help at home.  Be on time.  Help make other people   Respect animals.  Work hard.  Eat good food.
 VALue                         happy.

 Make a container for your   Make a weather mobile.  Make a mural.  Make a house out of boxes.  Make an accordion book.  Make a paper-bag puppet.  Make a class set of animal cards.  Make a poster about your   Make a class snack.
 ProjeCt  school supplies.                                                favorite job.
 extenDeD reADInG    A Son for Geppetto   pp. 58–59  Coyote Brings Fire to the People  pp. 110–111  Grevy’s Zebras    pp. 162–163

 reVIeW   Units 1–3   pp. 60–61  Units 4–6  pp. 112–113  Units 7–9        pp. 164-165
  ADDItIonAL VIDeo Game: SC:5; Review: SC: 8; Song: SC:9; Viewing: SC: 10; Story Time SC: 11; Wrap UP: SC: 12

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