Page 126 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 126

READING                                                                                                                          2     Read and circle the letter.
                                                                                   The largest known volcano is
                                                                                   on Mars. It is about 22,000 m
          1    Listen and read. TR: 7.8                                            tall and 700 km across!                                    1. This volcano had a lake of lava.

               ACTIVE Volcanoes                                                                                                                 a. Mount Etna             b. Nyamuragira             c. Fuego

                                                                                                                                              2. This is the largest volcano in the Hawaiian Islands.
                   There are active volcanoes all over the world. Some erupt often, sending hot lava
               down their slopes. People often live near these volcanoes. Because of the ash, the land                                          a. Mauna Loa              b. Kı¯lauea                c. Fuego
               is good for farming.
                                                                                                                                              3. This volcano’s eruption caused an airport to close.
                   The longest-erupting volcano is Mount Etna, in Sicily. It has been active for
               3,500 years. Mount Etna erupts very often. It has destroyed many towns. People have                                              a. Nyamuragira            b. Fuego                   c. Kı¯lauea
               tried to change the lava flow. They’ve built earth walls and used explosives. Some                                             4. This volcano is the longest-erupting volcano.
               towns have avoided destruction. Successful evacuation plans have kept people safe.
                                                                                                                                                a. Kı¯lauea               b. Nyamuragira             c. Mount Etna
                   Five volcanoes created the island of Hawaii. Mauna Loa is the largest volcano in
               the world. Kıˉlauea is one of the most active. In fact, it almost never stops erupting. In
               2018, lava flowed through the streets of some towns near the volcano. Many people                                         3     Where are these volcanoes? Work with a partner.
               lost their homes.
                                                                                                                                                K lauea
                   The volcano Nyamuragira, in Africa, erupts about every two years. It also has big                                            Mount Etna
               lava flows. It creates smaller volcanoes on its sides. At one time, the volcano had a                                            Nyamuragira
               crater with a lake of lava. Then in 1938, there was an eruption that opened up                                                   Mauna Loa
               one side of the volcano. Because of the eruption, the lava lake flowed out                                                       Fuego
               of the crater. People do not live near this volcano.

                   Fuego is an active volcano in Guatemala. There was a
               sudden and powerful eruption in June of 2018.
               Many nearby towns were covered in ash.
               The international airport in

               Guatemala City had to close
               because there was
               too much ash on
               the runway.                                                                                                               4     Work with a partner. Read the text again. Talk about two volcanoes.
                                                                                                                                               Take turns. Take notes.                            First Proof

                                                                                                                                                          Name of Volcano                                   Notes


                K lauea, Hawaii, USA

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