Page 139 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 139

GRAMMAR 1     2    Write. What things can be done to reduce, reuse, and recycle? Use the

                    words in the list. Write sentences.
 Passive with modals (simple present) TR: 8.4

 Natural things can be grown again.          “green” shopping bags         fix
 Many things can be made into art!           magazine                      reuse
 Aluminum cans must be melted to be recycled.  water                       build
 Some plastics may be put in recycling containers.  energy-efficient houses  recycle
                                             a faucet with a leak          conserve
                                             recycling centers             design
 1  Read. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list.

                    1.  Water can be conserved.
 reused  made  colored  thrown away  built  conserved  designed

 can be colored     2.
 1. Clothes (can/color)    with natural dyes.
 2. Save the bricks that (can/reuse)   , and the broken
 ones (can/throw away)   .
 3. Energy (may/conserve)    by making good choices.
 4. Fleece sweaters (can/make)    from recycled

 water bottles.  3  Make sentences. Work with a partner. Read one of your sentences.
                    Your partner makes a sentence using the same verb. Take turns.
 5. Future cars (must/design)    to run on electricity.

 6. A house (can/build)    with recycled  materials.
                                                      Water can be conserved.
                                                                                  Electricity can be
                                                                                  conserved, too.

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