Page 145 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 145


 Biography A biography tells about the life and work of a person. You can include key dates,   Help reduce our
 such as birth date, important events, and interesting facts in the person’s life. You should
 also explain why this person is or was important. Use expressions such as one of the most   human footprint.
 and the first.

 1  Read. Read about David Mach. Underline the facts that you find   Think. Pair. Share.

 interesting. Why do you think he is important?
             •   What do you do to reduce,

                reuse, and recycle waste?
 David Mach

 David Mach was born in Scotland in 1956. He   •   What other things can your
 is an artist and is famous for his big sculptures   community do to reduce,
 that use many different kinds of objects. He   reuse, and recycle waste?
 has made sculptures from sports equipment,

 matches, and magazines.  •   Compare your ideas with
 His first exhibition was in London in 1982. He   a partner or group. Decide
 has now had exhibitions in many cities around   which ideas are the best.
 the world. Some of his famous sculptures are

 in public places. He used old telephone boxes
 to make a sculpture on a street in London. He
 made a train out of bricks that is in the hills
 in the north of England. In 2012, he made some

 huge, colorful sculptures called Giants in a small
 Italian town.
 Some of Mach’s most famous sculptures are
 made of metal coat hangers. Some are of wild   David Mach’s

 animals and another is of an astronaut.  coat-hanger gorilla

 2  Write. Write about an important or interesting person. Include

 important details and dates from the person’s life. Explain why he                                    Earth at night

 or she is important.
                                   “ People have created the problem, so it’s critical to get the public excited and

 3  Share. Share your writing. Work in a small group. Listen and take notes.  eager to participate in a solution. ”

                                     Alexandra Cousteau, Water Advocate and Environmental Filmmaker,
                                     National Geographic Explorer
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