Page 151 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 151


 1  Listen and read. TR: 9.1

 2  Listen and repeat. TR: 9.2

 Do you like vacations with lots of people
 and noise? Or places that are quiet with no
 people nearby? Let’s find out about some
 cool vacations!

 The whole family can enjoy camping
 together. Bring a tent and sleep in the
 fresh air. If you hike up a very big   A resort is a good place to relax and have
 mountain, you have to take a guide to   Do you like history? Go see   fun on your vacation. Stay the night at a big
 help you.  the ruins of an old city. If you   hotel. Go to the beach to sit in the sun and
 like the modern world, take a   swim. Put on sunscreen so that your skin
 tour of a city! But if you like   doesn’t burn!
 to learn how to protect the                                                  Theme parks are full of
 natural world, then an ecotour                                               people having fun! Buy a
 is for you!                                                                  ticket for an exciting ride,
                                                                              and hear people scream. If the
                                                                              theme park is also a water
                                                                              park, get ready to get wet!

                                                               3    Ask and answer. Work with a
                                                                    partner. What did you learn?

 Do you like animals and plants? Go on
 a photo safari and take pictures of
 wildlife. Stay safe in a truck when there                          What do you want
 are dangerous wild animals.                                        to do on vacation?   I want to go camping!

 Santa Cruz, Peru

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