Page 158 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 158

2     Read. Where are these tree houses? Write the location.

                                                                                                                                              1. You can live with parrots in a tree house in                                      .
              1    Listen and read. TR: 9.8                                                                                                   2. You can vacation in comfort in a tree house in                                        .

                   Tree House Vacation                                                                                                        3. You might see monkeys looking for food in                                         .

                       Are you ready for a great eco-adventure? Have your                                                                     4. A bamboo elevator carries you to your tree house in                                         .
                   vacation in a tree house! You can find them all over the
                   world. Tree house vacations are in places such as Peru,                                                               3     Listen and write. Work with a partner. Compare places for a tree house
                   Kenya, Belize, and India. There’s a lot to do in nature!                                                                    vacation. Your partner will listen and complete the first two rows. Then

                       In India, there are tree house bedrooms from 10 to                                                                      listen to your partner, and fill in the last two rows.
                   25 meters (35–80 feet) up a tree. There’s a bamboo
                   elevator to carry you up. It’s powered by water! The                                                                           Watching wildlife

                   electricity you use comes from the sun. And there are
                   trails to hike and natural swimming pools to swim in.                                                                          Living in comfort
                   You can visit your neighbor by walking on a bridge
                   made of rope!                                                                                                                  Walking on tree bridges

                       You can stay in comfort at a tree house in Kenya.                                                                          Using power from nature
                   It has two floors, and the rooms have big beds. The
                   windows have colored glass, and the bathrooms have                                                                    4     Rank the vacations. Places for a vacation. Rank the vacations in order
                   showers. There’s a small kitchen, too. The hotel serves
                   food in your room! And if you get tired of living in                                                                        of preference (1 = most favorite). Work with a partner. Compare and

                   nature, the city of Nairobi is about 30 minutes away.                                                                       explain your choices.
                       In Belize, you can live with parrots under a

                   Guanacaste tree that is about 30 meters (100 feet) tall.                                                                         Rank                Vacations                     Why you want to go there
                   The parrots make good neighbors because they eat the
                   insects! There are other birds, too. It’s a great place for                                                                                    Ice hotel
                   bird-watching. A river runs around the tree house on                                                                                           Underwater hotel
                   three sides. The clear water is good for swimming!
                                                                                                                                                                  Sports camp
                       In Peru, you can stay in a bungalow, or a lodge,
                   near the Yarapa River in the Amazon rain forest.                                                                                               Martial arts camp
                   The main lodge connects to the other 10 bungalows
                   by passageways and steel cable bridges. One of the                                                                                             Make-a-movie camp
                   bungalows has a view of the Yarapa River. You can                                                                                              Astronaut camp

                   watch people fish in the river and you might even see
                   a river dolphin. Sometimes you can see monkeys pass                                                                                            Tree house
                   by your room as they look for food!
                                                                                                                                                                                            A company is planning future vacations
                                                                                                                                                                                            on the moon! Some tourists have already
                                                                                                                                                     Iquitos, Peru                          visited the space station. But it’s expensive!
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