Page 69 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 69

GRAMMAR 1     3    Write sentences. What do you think?

                                                    Extraterrestrials might not have
 May and might TR: 4.4  1. green skin/extraterrestrial

 If a planet has an atmosphere, it may   Do you think astronauts might go to    green skin like they do in the movies.
 have life.  the moon again?
 There might be life on other planets.  Yes, but it may be very simple life.  2. comet/lifetime

 1  Read. Check the true sentences.
                    3. universe/galaxies

 1. Some stars may have planets like Earth.

 2. We may find extraterrestrials on a distant planet.   4. comet/our planet

 3. A meteor might hit Earth.

 4. The Milky Way might be a galaxy.   5. find/life

 5. Earth may have an atmosphere.

 6. You may become an astronaut.   6. moon/one day

 2  Complete the sentences.

 are   may be   is   may discover   live   may live  4  Talk about life in the universe. Work in groups of three. Take turns
                    to add more information.
 1. There    oxygen on planets in other galaxies.

 2. There    no oxygen on the moon.

 3. Extraterrestrials    on other planets.
                       There may be another planet        The planet might be too
                       with an atmosphere like Earth.
 4. Astronauts    on the space station for some time.     hot or too cold for life.

 5. There    other solar systems in the universe.

 6. One day, scientists    life on other planets.

                                                                                            If the planet has water,
                                                                                            it may have plants.

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