Page 7 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 7

Scope and Sequence

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 Extreme Weather  Copycat Animals  Music in Our World  Life Out There  Arts Lost and Found  Amazing Plants!  Volcanoes  Reduce, Reuse,   Cool Vacations!
 p. 6  p. 22  p. 38  p. 60  p. 76  p. 92            p. 114                Recycle               p. 146
                                                                          p. 130

 Science  Science  Music and the Performing Arts,   Science, Technology    The Humanities, Music and the   Science  Science  Science, Visual Arts  Language Arts
 Content AreA
 ConneCtIon  Visual Arts  and Engineering  Performing Arts
 •  talk about different kinds of   •  describe animals  •  talk about different musical   •  talk about space and space   •  talk about traditions and   •  describe plants  •  discuss volcanoes  •  discuss the importance    •  talk about different
 extreme weather  •  compare different animals  instruments and styles  exploration  communities  •  talk about what plants    •  describe how a volcano erupts  of reducing, reusing,    vacation places
 •  describe the damage storms   •  talk about how animals   •  talk about your    •  talk about different possibilities    •  talk about different craft and   and animals do to help    •  make predictions  and recycling  •  talk about what you would do
 GoALS  can cause  imitate others  musical experiences  of life in space  cultural activities  plants survive  •  write a process description  •  learn about art from    in different situations
  SC: 1  •  describe how to prepare for   •  use classification writing  •  compare how people   •  give your opinions about space  •  understand changing   •  compare how plants grow   recycled materials  •  express preferences
 extreme weather  make music  • do persuasive writing  traditions  and adapt  •  talk about what you can do to   •  write a review
 •  write a personal narrative  •  do contrast writing  •  write a blog entry  •  do descriptive writing  help the environment
                                                                          •  write a biography
 blizzard, drop, drought, flood,   camouflage, characteristic,    band, beat, chord, concert,   atmosphere, comet, data, debate,   art, community, culture, future,   adapt, attract, bacteria,   ash, calm, cover, crack, create,   build, conserve, design, energy   beach, camping, guide, hike,
 heat wave, hurricane, ice   copy, frighten, hide, hunt,   drum, flute, guitar, lead singer,   extraterrestrial, galaxy, journey,   generation, hold on, language,   behavior, digest, ground,   deep, erupt, explode, gas, heat,   efficient, environment, junk,   hotel, photo safari, relax, ruins,
 storm, lightning, range, rise,   imitate, insect, poisonous,   melody, note, perform, piano,   orbit, planet, solar system, space,   local, pass down, proud, share,   leaf, light, roots, stem, stink,   inside, melted, steam, surface,   landfill, man-made, natural,   tent, theme park, ticket, tour,
 sandstorm, speed, thunder,   predator, prey, resemble,   practice, rhythm, saxophone,   the universe  storytelling, tourist, tradition,   strategy, survival, trap, trick  thick, volcano  recycle, reduce, renewable,   water park, wildlife
 tornado, tropical storm  species, spot, stripe  violin  weave            reuse, throw away, trash
 Strategy: Classification of words  Strategy: Word families  Strategy: Multiple-meaning        Strategy: Using a thesaurus
 VoCAbuLAry 1 & 2  Strategy: Compound nouns  Strategy: Using a dictionary  Strategy: Multiple-meaning   Strategy: Using context clues
                                                                          Strategy: Prefix re-
  SC: 2–4  words  astronaut, communicate, rocket,   daisy, petal, rose, thorn, vine            airport, passport, souvenir,
 emergency, evacuate, flashlight,   attack, avoid, confuse,    search, space craft, space station  embroidery, handcrafted,   Strategy: Contractions  active, cone, crater, dormant,   cardboard, chemicals, glass,   suitcase, sunglasses
 plan, shelter, supplies  defend, escape  classical, hip-hop, jazz, pop, rock  jewelry making, pottery,   extinct  metal, tools
 Strategy: Words in context                                                                    Strategy: Antonyms and
 Strategy: Noun plurals  Strategy: Action verbs  Strategy: Act it out  sculpture  Strategy: Suffixes  Strategy: Expressing purpose  Synonyms
         Strategy: Base words
 Future predictions and plans   Comparisons with as . . . as  Present perfect with ever    May and might  Gerunds as subjects  The passive: Simple present  First conditional  Passive with modals    Second conditional
 GrAmmAr 1 & 2  with be going to  Tag questions  and never  Indefinite pronouns  Gerunds as objects  Relative clauses with that  Because of . . .  (simple present)  Would rather
  SC: 5–6  Zero conditional    Comparative adverbs                        Clauses with when
 (present tense)
 Tornado Trouble  Copycats  It’s All Music  Listening for Life  Not Your Grandpa’s Mariachi  Is That a Plant?  Active Volcanoes  Found Art  Tree House Vacation
 Strategy: Visualize  Strategy: Scan text    Strategy: Ask questions  Strategy: Identify the    Strategy: Compare    Strategy: Use information   Strategy: Scan text    Strategy: Understand the   Strategy: Use visuals to
 for information  author’s purpose  and contrast  graphics to support   for information  author’s purpose  support comprehension
 Personal Narrative  Classification Writing  Contrast Writing  Persuasive Writing  Blog Entry  Descriptive Writing  Process Description  Biography  Travel Review
 WrItInG  Focus: Describe an experience  Focus: Show how things belong   Focus: Show the differences   Focus: Convince the reader of    Focus: Write about    Focus: Describe what   Focus: Explain what happens in   Focus: Write about the life and   Focus: Write about a
 to a group or category  between things  your opinion  your thoughts  something looks like and what   a sequence  work of a person  vacation experience
                               it does
 Understand weather.  Protect biodiversity.  Change through music.  Live curious.  Value your    Value plants.  Help in a disaster.  Help reduce our    Be a respectful tourist.
 National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:   cultural traditions.  National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:  human footprint.  National Geographic Explorer:
  SC: 9  Tim Samaras  Krithi Karanth  Jack Johnson  Kevin Hand  National Geographic Explorer:  Maria Fadiman  Patrick Meier  National Geographic Explorer:  Joseph Lekuton
         Dr. Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani                                      Alexandra Cousteau
 ProjeCt  A tornado in a jar  A collage  A musical instrument  Model of life on another planet  Museum of the future  Local plant guide  A volcano  Recycled art  A tourist brochure
 reVIeW  Units 1–3    pp. 54–55  Units 4–6  pp. 108–109  Units 7–9        pp. 162–163
 Attack of the
 extenDeD reADInG   Animal Predictions?   pp. 56–57  Surviving Krakatoa   pp. 164–165
 Extraterrestrial Plants!  pp. 110–111
 It’s my turn.   p. 58  Can I borrow your bike?  p. 112   No way!         p. 166
 Let’S tALk
 Who’s going to take notes?   p. 59  It could work.  p. 113  Our presentation is about . . .   p. 167
  ADDItIonAL VIDeo Song: Sc. 7; Viewing: Sc. 8; Storytime: Sc. 10; Wrap Up: Sc. 11

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