Page 126 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 126

READING                                                                                                                          2     Read and write. Write the name of the invention.

          1    Listen and read. TR: 7.9                                                                                                         1. It’s something you eat.

               YOUNG and Creative                                                                                                              2. It can help people who live in big cities.

                                                                                                                                               3. It’s something a blind person can use to read.

                   Did you know that a teenager had the first idea for a television? And a six-

               year-old boy invented the toy truck? Kids and teens are great inventors because                                                 4. It’s useful if you don’t have electricity.
               they have a lot of creativity and imagination.                                                                                  5. It happened by accident.

                   2018: At the age of 19, Angad Daryani invented a solution to the problem
               of air pollution in cities. Growing up in Mumbai, India, he suffered from asthma                                          3     Read and write. Complete the chart.
               caused by the polluted air. Air pollution is a big problem. Three million people die

               each year. Angad’s invention is an air pollution cleaning tower that is 6.1 meters                                                   Who                  When                     What                       Why
               (20 ft.) high. The tower sucks in air and takes out the particles of dust and
               carbon. The particles are collected and can even be reused. Angad’s dream is                                                         Angad        in 2018, when he was         an air pollution     He had asthma caused

               to build thousands of the towers and improve the quality of air in cities.                                                           Daryani           19 years old             cleaning tower          by air pollution.

                                                   2013: Canadian high school student Ann
                                               Makosinski was 15 when she invented the “hollow
                                               flashlight.” The flashlight uses heat from the human
                                               body and changes it into light. It doesn’t need

                                               batteries. Ann thought of the idea when she heard
                                               about a friend who lived the Philippines. Her friend
                                               was doing badly in school. She needed to do her
               homework at night but there was no electrical light in her home. Ann’s flashlight

               isn’t expensive. Ann hopes it will help some of the 1.1 billion people in the
               world who still have no electricity in their homes.                                                                       4     Discuss the questions. Work in groups
                                                                                                                                               of three. Do you have the same opinion?
                   1905: When Frank Epperson was eleven, he left a cup filled with soda and a
               stick in his yard. That night he forgot about it. It was a very cold night. When                                                Which story was the most interesting? Why?
               he went outside the next morning he found something amazing: a “Popsicle”!                                                      Which invention was the most useful? Why?

                   1824: Louis Braille had an accident when he was three. The accident
               left him blind. At that time, it was hard for blind children to read. They                                                        NUMBER OF PATENT FILINGS AROUND THE WORLD
               had to touch raised letters. But it was easy to confuse a Q with an O, an R                                                       1,800,000                                                             Diane Bisson invented
               with a B, and so on. When he was fifteen, Louis invented an alphabet that                                                         1,600,000                                                             a series of healthy and
               used raised dots. The Braille alphabet was a big success!                                                                         1,200,000  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004   2005   2006                 tasty plates and bowls
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       that you can eat!

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