Page 144 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 144

WRITING                                                                                                                               MISSION

           Explanation Writing  When you write an explanation, you describe something                                                  Enjoy a hobby.
           in general. You explain what it is and how you do it. You can explain difficult words
           and give examples. Use words and expressions like for example and such as.

                                                                                                                                       Think. Pair. Share.

          1    Read. Read this explanation. Underline definitions and examples.
                                                                                                                                       •  Why is it good to have a hobby?

               Fun with Paper                                                                                                          •  What hobby would you like to
                                                                                                                                          try, and why?

                   The Japanese invented origami in the
               17th century, and now it is popular everywhere                                                                          •  How do you do the hobby you
               in the world.                                                                                                              chose? What do you need?

                   The word “origami” comes from two                                    crane

               Japanese words: “ori,” which means “folding,”
               and “kami,” which means “paper.” In origami,
               you always begin with one square sheet of

               paper. Then you fold the paper many times

               to make a shape.                               frog
                   Origami is very creative. You can make
               simple shapes, for example, a little bug. Or you

               can make a difficult design. To make a difficult

               shape, such as a dragon, you have to fold the
               paper many times in different ways. The most
               famous origami design is the Japanese paper                                                                                                                       Ammonite fossils

               crane. Origami isn’t always easy, but it’s fun!                          dinosaur

          2    Write. Describe a hobby. Explain it and how to do it.

          3    Share. Share your writing in a small group. Listen and take notes.                                                                              “  As a child, I felt very alone with my interest in fossils.

                      Name                 Hobby                          What and how                                                                            Finally, at age 13, I discovered there was a museum in

                      Filip           Photography                Take interesting photos.                                                                         Norway that actually employed people to study fossils.                   ”
                                                                 Use a camera or phone.
                                                                                                                                                                  Jørn Hurum, Paleontologist, National Geographic Explorer
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