Page 167 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 167

               2    Read the text again. Complete the sentences.

 1  Listen and read. TR: 9.11    1519    flying    helicopter    paintings    released
 Leonardo da Vinci

 The Greatest Inventor in History?  1. Leonardo bought birds at the market and                      them.

                    2. He studied the birds’ wings so he could design a                                 machine.
   It is often told how Leonardo    drew a design for a glider. This
 da Vinci used to go to his local   was much simpler, and people have   3. Leonardo also designed a    and a parachute.
 market to buy birds in cages.   recently built and successfully
 Others bought the birds to kill and  flown it, with one small change to   5. Mona Lisa is one of the most famous    in the world.
 eat them, or keep them as pets. But  the original design. Other flight-
 Leonardo, to everyone’s surprise,   related designs by Leonardo were   6. Leonardo lived from 1452 to   .

 bought the birds to release from   for a helicopter and a parachute.
 their cages and let them fly away!  3  Read. Answer the questions. Work with a partner.
   Leonardo was so many
   Leonardo’s kindness to animals   things—artist, musician, architect,   1.  Why were people surprised when Leonardo released the birds he had bought?
 was well known. He was a   engineer, scientist, and inventor.
 vegetarian. But more than this,   Today he is usually best known for   2.  Which of Leonardo’s inventions is the most important, in your opinion?
 he was fascinated by the flight of   his art, including two of the most   3.  Leonardo’s inventions were probably not made in his lifetime. Why not?
 birds. Before releasing the birds, he  famous paintings in the world:
 studied their wing shape, structure,  Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.   4  Express yourself. Choose an activity.
 and movement. He made detailed   However, centuries ahead of his
 drawings of birds’ wings. Most   time, he imagined and designed a   1.  Look at pictures of some of Leonardo’s inventions. Choose an invention of
 of all, he had a dream—to design   huge range of inventions. Surely he   your own, and draw it in the same style as Leonardo’s works. Add labels.
 a machine that would let human   must count as one of the greatest   2.  magine a scene at the market when Leonardo buys some caged birds. What
 beings fly like birds.  inventors ever?  do people say? What happens next? Write a short play. Work in a small group

   One of Leonardo’s designs   to act it out.

 for a flying machine showed an   3.  Make a poster of Leonardo’s inventions alongside the same inventions in the
 enormous pair of wings joined to   modern day. Draw or paint, or find pictures and glue them on the poster. Label
 a wooden frame. According to the   the inventions with the similarities and differences between now and then.
 drawings, the brave pilot would
 lie inside the frame and move the
 wings up and down! Leonardo also


 1452  1467  1482  1500  1502                         1503                 1503–1513                 1516–1519

 Leonardo da Vinci is   Young Leonardo goes to   Leonardo goes to Milan to   Leonardo returns to   Leonardo works for   Leonardo begins   Leonardo studies flight,   Leonardo moves
 born in Anchiano, Italy.  Florence to study with artist   work for the city’s duke   Florence and studies   Cesare Borgia as   his most famous   the human body, and   to France. He
 Andrea del Verrocchio.  as a painter and engineer.   mathematics.  an architect, map-  painting, Mona Lisa.   rocks and plants.   dies there.
             maker, and engineer.
 164  Extended Reading                                                                                        165
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