Page 7 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 7

Scope and Sequence

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 All in Our Family  Fresh Food   Long Ago and Today  Get Well Soon  My Favorites   Wonders of the Sea   Good Idea!   That’s Really   The Science of Fun
 p. 6  p. 22  p. 38  p. 60  p. 76  p. 92            p. 114                Interesting!          p. 146
                                                                          p. 130

 Content AreA     The Humanities, Science,    Science, Technology and   The Humanities, Social Studies,   Health, Science  The Humanities, Language Arts,   Science  Science, Technology and   Language Arts  Science
 ConneCtIon  Social Studies  Engineering  Technology and Engineering  Performing Arts, Visual Arts  Engineering
 • describe what you look like  • talk about obligation   •  describe daily life in the    • talk about health and illness  •  identify different types of   • name and describe sea life  •  talk about inventions  •  talk about your hobbies and   •  identify how you use force to
 • compare people you know  •  describe how often you    past and your life today  • give advice  entertainment  •  talk about how you can   •  talk about past habits  interests  move
 • talk about your plans  do something  •  talk about what the past    • describe actions  • compare people and activities  protect the oceans  •  describe how to use an   •  give information about people   •  use The more . . . to describe
 GoALS  • write a journal entry  • discuss and order food   was like  • write about cause and effect  •  talk about your favorite    • talk about future events  invention  you know  cause and effect
  SC: 1  •  compare the past with your   people and things                •  talk about gifts you’ve   •  understand and make
 • write to express your opinion  •  write to describe how things   •  write facts and opinions about
 life now  • give your opinion  are different        a favorite invention  received             definitions
 • write unified paragraphs                                               •  describe and explain a hobby  •  write about cause and effect
 bigger, cuter, different, faster,   cabbage, cucumber, dig,    begin, cell phone, chores,   bandage, cast, cough, earache,    actor, amazing, athlete, brave,   creature, disappear, dolphin,   battery, creativity, electricity,   alone, avatar, collect, compete,   backward, balance, connect,
 friendlier, older, relatives,   eggplant, green beans, grow,   electric light, fire, learn, life,   feel dizzy, first-aid kit, germ,    cool, famous, funny, great,   fish, layer, midnight, octopus,   fail, idea, imagination, invent,   cooperate, controller, creative,   down, fall over, force, forward,
 shorter, slower, smaller,   hot peppers, lettuce, onion,   make, sew, spend time,    have a cold, have a fever, headache,   handsome, movie, person,   pollution, resource, sea sponge,   invention, problem, solution,   enjoy, musical group, point,    friction, happen, pull, push, rub,
 stronger, taller, uglier, younger  pick, plant, pumpkin, ready, ripe,  tell, things, town, video game,   medicine, sneeze, stomachache,   popular, pretty, talented,   sea turtle, shark, squid, sunlight,  succeed, try, useful, wheel  score, screen, take photos,   skater, spin, swing
 water, weed, zucchini  wash  thermometer, tissue, toothache   wonderful  whale, zone  together
 Strategy: Antonyms                                 Strategy: Using the Suffix –ful            Strategy: Antonyms
 VoCAbuLAry 1 & 2  blond hair, curly hair, glasses,   Strategy: Compound words  Strategy: Homophones  Strategy: Word parts  Strategy: Categorizing words  Strategy: Comparing sounds   lift, move, put, turn, use  Strategy: Using Context  away from, direction, gravity,
  SC: 2–4                      /s/ and /∫/
 straight hair, wavy hair  every day, how often, on   difficult, expensive, important,   broken leg, bruise (n), burn (n),    hobby, school subject,    Strategy: Imperatives for   bug, comic book, dinosaur,   lean, toward
 (Friday), once (a month), three   modern, old-fashioned   cut (n), scratch (n)  sport, TV show, writer  biodegradable, garbage, oil spill,   fossil, stuffed animal
 Strategy: Memorization                             instructions                               Strategy: Comparing sounds
 times (a week), twice (a year)   overfishing, plastic
 Strategy: Adjectives  Strategy: Multiple meanings  Strategy: Ranking preferences  Strategy: Comparing sounds    /æ/ and / /
 Strategy:                     Strategy: Suffix –able                     /ə/ and /ɛ/
 Frequency words
 Comparatives with -er  Have to  Contrast with but and instead  Advice with should  Superlatives with -est and   Have to, must, can’t, and don’t  Used to for past habits  Describing people with who  Cause and effect with double
 GrAmmAr 1 & 2  Present progressive for future   Would like  Comparatives with more +   Reflexive pronouns  most  Future with will and won’t  You for general statements  Direct and indirect objects  comparatives
  SC: 5–6  plans  adjective  Irregular comparatives and                                        Definitions with which
 Where Do Your Eyes    The Farms of the Future    The World in the Palm of    Why Do We Sneeze?  Amazing Acrobats  Colorful Corals  Young and Creative  Hide and Seek  Up, Down, and All Around!
 Come From?  Are Here  Your Hand  Strategy: Identify sequence    Strategy: Using visuals  Strategy: Set a purpose for   Strategy: Ask questions  Strategy: Identify sequence    Strategy: Understand cause
 reADInG  Strategy: Using visuals to   Strategy: 5Ws and how  Strategy: Using timelines  of events  reading  of events  and effect
 support comprehension
 Journal Entry  Opinion Writing  Paragraph Unity  Cause and Effect Writing  Reviews  Contrast Writing  Fact and Opinion  Explanation Writing  Cause and Effect Writing
 WrItInG  Focus: Use emotion words  Focus: Identify positive and   Focus: Identify topic sentence   Focus: Describe what happens    Focus: Write a book review  Focus: Use words and   Focus: Use facts to support   Focus: Describe something   Focus: Write cause and effect
 negative points  and supporting details  and why  expressions that show contrast   opinions  general
 Understand the    Appreciate local food.  Appreciate the past.  Be prepared.  Find a role model.  Protect the oceans.  Use your imagination and   Enjoy a hobby.  Think creatively and
 mISSIon  human family.  National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:    National Geographic Explorer:  National Geographic Explorer:  creativity to solve problems.  National Geographic Explorer:  critically.
  SC: 9  National Geographic Explorer:  Juan Martinez  Stephen Ambrose  Dr. Hayat Sindi  Aparajita Datta  Dr. Sylvia Earle  National Geographic Explorer:  Jørn Hurum  National Geographic Explorer:
 Spencer Wells                                      Aydogan Ozcan                              Stephon Alexander
 ProjeCt  Class big book  Plant cards  Then and now poster  First-aid kit  Famous people class book  Sea animal poster  Superpower app  A hobby presentation  A thaumatrope

 reVIeW   Units 1–3   pp. 54–55  Units 4–6  pp. 108–109  Units 7–9        pp. 162–163
 Giant's    Oceans of Plastic:                      Leonardo da Vinci: The
 extenDeD reADInG    Causeway   pp. 56–57  Time for Action  pp. 110–111  Greatest Inventor in History?   pp. 164–165
 Hello!   p. 58  What’s wrong?  p. 112              Wow, that’s cool!     p. 166
 Let’S tALk  I agree!   p. 59  I don’t understand.  p. 113  What does that mean?   p. 167

  ADDItIonAL VIDeo Song: Sc. 7; Viewing Sc. 8; Storytime: Sc. 10; Wrap Up: Sc. 11
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