Page 13 - E-Modul Komik Digital Interaktif Kelas V
P. 13

The human body has important
                                                   parts that work together. Each
                                                    part has a specific function,
                                                 contributing to the overall health
                                                              of the body.

                            At the top of the body was the Head. The Head was
                            very  important  because  it  held  the  brain,  which
                            helped us think and remember.

                           In  the  middle  of  the  face  was  the  Nose.  The  Nose
                           helped us smell all the wonderful things around us,

                           like delicious food and fresh flowers.

                           On  the  sides  of  the  Head  were  the  Ears.  The  Ears

                           helped us hear sounds, like music, birds singing, and
                           our friends talking.

                           Right  in  front  of  the  Head  were  the  Eyes.  The  Eyes
                           were  like  little  cameras  that  helped  us  see
                           everything around us.

                           The Mouth helps us to eat and talk. The teeth in the
                           mouth  chew  food,  while  the  tongue  helps  us  taste

                           different flavors.

                           Next, we have the Hands. The Hands are very helpful

                           for many tasks. They allow us to grab things, wave
                           hello, and write.

                           Down below are the Leg. The Legs help us easy to sit,
                           jump, and run. They work with the knees to keep us

                           At  the  very  bottom  are  the  Toes.  The  Toes  help  us

                           balance when we stand or walk. They make sure we
                           don’t tip over, especially when we run!

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