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P. 159
dress), and the groom wears a long-sleeved white shirt and pants with
a red sash around his waist.
For instance, there may be noisy firecrackers, a Chinese way of keeping
bad spirits away.
2. The bride's lei is traditionally made of white flowers such as pikake
(jasmine), and the groom's is made of green maile leaves.
PRACTICE 4 Fill in each blank with one of these signal phrases: For example, For instance,
or such as. Add commas where necessary. Use each phrase once.
Signal Phrases
for Examples The city of London has many great tourist attractions. (1)
__________________ most tourists make a stop at Westminster Abbey.
In this famous church, tourists can see where English kings and queens
are crowned. Westminster Abbey is the burial place of famous people (2)
____________________ poet Geoffrey Chaucer, scientists Isaac Newton
and Charles Darwin, and actor Laurence Olivier. Tourists also like to catch
a glimpse of royal life while in London. (3) ___________________ they
can watch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, or they can
tour the Tower of London, where the British crown jewels are kept.
PRACTICE 5 Turn back to the model paragraph "A Hawaiian Wedding" on page 38 and
complete the diagram. Copy the supporting sentences into the appropriate
boxes. Notice that the paragraph has two supporting point sentences and
Sentence and
several example sentences.