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2. Read this article from a health magazine about each
person’s unique pace of life
The Beat of Your Own Drum
A of time urgency. Some people feel the
re you a slow person or a fast
need to try to achieve a lot, while other
person? Do you like to stay busy,
or do you enjoy doing nothing
sometimes? Do you prefer the highway or people have the tendency to set their
goals lower and achieve less.
country roads?
When asked about the pace of
We all know that the pace of life is their lives, people tend to think about
different in different places and cultures. several things: the speed that they feel at
When we visit a place for the first time, their workplace, the level of activity they
we get a general idea of the place and prefer in their own lives, and the level of
what life is like there. The pace of life activity they prefer in the environment
helps to form this general impression. The around them. To assess the pace of your
pace of life in a city, for example, is a big own life, ask yourself:
part of its unique atmosphere.
Do you feel the pace of you life is too fast,
This isn’t just true for cities and too slow, or just right when it comes to . . .
countries, however. There are also big
school or work life?
differences in pace between individuals,
the city or town where you live?
even individuals within the same culture
home life?
living in the same town. Next-door
social life?
neighbors can experience life at
life as a whole?
completely different paces.
Researchers want to get an You don’t need a psychologist to
accurate idea about why individuals have understand your answers to these
different ideas about time and pace of questions. The fact is that what is too fast
life. To study this, they look at people’s for one person might be boring for
ideas of “time urgency.” Time urgency is another. There is nothing good or bad
the effort a person makes to achieve as about an individual’s pace of life. Each of
much as possible in a given amount of us simply marches to the beat of his or
time. Everyone has his or her own sense her own drum.