Page 12 - Portfolio
P. 12

                                                                                                                                      The Opening of
                                                                                                                                      The Design
                                                                                                   SUNDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2017           Store
                                                                                                                                      SHAPING THOSE  THOSE HAIRY
                                                                                                                                      HAIRY   CURVES ON THE
                                                                                                                                      CURVES  FOREHEAD
                                                                                                                                      ON THE FOREHEAD
                                                                                                BOOKS,                                    KHARESMA
                                                                                             GLORIOUS BOOKS!                          The Design   RAVICHANDRAN
                                                                                              s the young generation   We  headed  towards  the  Public   age. They don’t have to keep coming   Store
                                                                                              distancing themselves   Library, Colombo. If readers are less   back to the library every week.”
                                                                                                because  books  are  expensive,
                                                                                              from books? Do people
                                                                                                   They also have an inter-library
                                                                                                   loan service where an exchange of
                                                                                              Istill read? In the midst of   libraries should be fully packed. On   Many services offered
                                                                                                handful of people, the library was
                                                                                                a week day morning, apart from a
                                                                                              many such questions, the   almost empty. But the books that   books from other libraries is also
                                                                                              annual Colombo International   waited on  their shelves were of   public library has ten branches and
                                                                                                immense importance. Crisp, clean,
                                                                                                   arranged upon special request. The
                                                                                                observation of the staff, the library
                                                                                                   each has their Readers Circle. It was
                                                                                              Book Fair that takes place   well organized and under the carful   You don’t have to   interesting to hear that they have a   01 SUNDAY,
                                                                                                   special collection for visually
                                                                                              during the Literacy month   lection was priceless. Deputy Chief   look far to see the   impaired readers. “Getting together   OCTOBER,
                                                                                                had an air of importance. Their col-
                                                                                              was crowded from the first   Librarian, Chintha Ilapperuma   impact that   with the Sri Lanka Blind Association,
                                                                                              day itself. The same month   available with them. 72 titles of peri-  psychologists make.   material to the Braille System. We   2017 ISSUE  INSIDE
                                                                                                explained some of the material
                                                                                                   we have translated some of our
                                                                                                   have a regular reader who is visually
                                                                                              when the world celebrates   various magazines ranging from   They contribute in   impaired and makes use of these.
                                                                                                odicals which are very expensive,
                                                                                              International Literacy Day on   National Geographic, Ideal Home to   almost every   For  the  general readers,  we  also
                                                                                              8 September.  Then why do   Filmfare are just to mention a few.     profession, You don’t   can make a request of the books
                                                                                                “A library caters to many. Our read-
                                                                                                   maintain a Request Book where they
                                                                                                   know  that  the  library  also  has  a
                                                                                              we constantly grumble that   ers range from very young children   have to look far to   they want to read.” Not many people
                                                                                                to very old men and women. A cam-
                                                                                                   Mobile Service. “We go to Housing
                                                                                                pus library is different. They cater to
                                                                                                  see the impact that
                                                                                              people do not read? Ceylon   research students or academics.”   psychologists make.   Schemes, Government Offices, the
                                                                                              Today got ready to find out.  Talking about special services she   They contribute in   People’s Bank and even the CGR to   Teen Inc.
                                                                                                social backgrounds. Senior citizens   almost every   give books to the staff. They get to   as parents. It is the same with tele-
                                                                                                said, “We get readers from different
                                                                                                   keep the books for two weeks and
                                                                                                     phones. Once you get used to read-
                                                                                                     Daya Chandrapala had come from
                                                                                                   return them when we come again.”
                                                                                                can borrow four books at one go
                                                                                                and they are given a period of one   profession, You don’t   Ilapperuma  made  it  a  point  to   ing, your time is spent productively.”
                                                                                                  have to look far to   speak of the special programmes   Ja-Ela. This was an event he would
                                                                                                month. This is considering their old
                                                                                                     not miss. “I always buy excellent
                                                                                                  see the impact that   Library. A special outdoor camp is   translations from Wijesooriya
                                                                                                   conducted by the Colombo Public
                                                                                                   open to all children and parents on
                                                                                                  psychologists make.   30  September,  prior  to  World   Godage and Samayawardena are   Young, wild and free /   VIRTUAL
                                                                                                     Grantha Kendraya. Publishers like
                                                                                                  They contribute in   Children’s Day which falls on 1   that people read with great enthusi-
                                                                                                     also my favourites.” Does he feel
                                                                                                   October. A day full of fun filled activ-
                                                                                                  almost every   ities is organized. It is a mere matter   asm, inquired Ceylon Today. “You
                                                                                                     mould yourself according to what
                                                                                                  profession,  of contacting them and confirming   you read. I read Robin Sharma for
                                                                                                   your child’s participation.
                                                                                                   Buying, reading and   But what they buy is something to   The newsfeed you need
                                                                                                     daily wisdom. People do buy books.
                                                                                                   applying  look at.  But have we become ideal
                                                                                                   Month is the Colombo International   choice of books matter. The author
                                                                                                     citizens after reading all this? Our
                                                                                                   The biggest focus in the Literary
                                                                                                   Thusitha from Delgoda, with his wife   matters. Otherwise, how do we   IS REVITALIZING
                                                                                                     know that the content would be
                                                                                                   Book Fair. Ceylon Today met
                                                                                                     nourishing? Just reading won’t
                                                                                                   and two children. It was interesting
                                                                                                     make a difference.”
                                                                                                   to look at their choice of books. “I
                                                                                                   wanted to buy some extra reading   Ven. Batuwangala Rahula Thera’s
                                                                                                     Ran Karanduwa won the Swarna
                                                                                                   material in addition to the school
                                                                                                   syllabus for my children in Grades 8   Pusthaka award in 2015. This time,
                                                                                                   many translations of Russian   Casket by Aditha Dissanayake win-
                                                                                                     with  its  translation  as  Golden
                                                                                                   and 9.  Apart from  that,  I  bought
                                                                                                   books.” He said he has minimized   ning the Gratiaen Prize, Rahula   A tabloid for young adults, covering
                                                                                                   the use of television and computers
                                                                                                   both for his children and themselves   ing. Thera was present for a book sign-
                                                                                                      ʹϱ ЊϜͻϱͱ΁͹ϯͱͶͱ ЊͷϜͷϜͱ           entertainment, social events and all manner
                                                                                             Њͻϰ ʹϱ ͱ΁ϭϜϭͶͶͺͱ ͿͷͶͱϯͱϬϬͷ͹ͷͶͱϜͱ  ͵ͷϱ;΂΁ Ϭ΂Ͷͱϱ ͸ͷͱϬϭϜͷϫ  of trending topics.
                                                                                                     Echo    ITS SUNDAY EDITION!                             LEARNING
                                                                                             Take a look at the bigger picture /   With all-new feature sections,
                                                                                              Putting things into perspective  additional tabloids, and weekly magazines,
                                                                                               A section that provides a broader   The Sunday edition of Ceylon today has so much
                                                                                             perspective on the week’s main stories,
                                                                                              shedding light on the overall factors in   more for you to discover beneath the cover.
                                                                                                           There’s a sneak peek of what you can expect.   LOVE  PLATFORM
                                                                                                      play.                                  MOTHER’S
                                                                                                                                            THE DESIGN
                                                                                               SUNDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2017
                                                                                              CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CULTURE  Classical   COLLECTIVE
                                                                                              COINS film                                     STORE
                                                                                                                            CALL TO EXPEDITE
                                                                                              festival and
                                                                                             national cinema Chinese Poetry   RECONCILIATION PROCESS  LITTLE  THE OPENI NG OF THE   THE QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE...
                                                                                              idea of
                                                                                             Colombo International Students’ Film Festival (COINS Film Festival) and the   with    PRESIDENT   DESI GN
                                                                                             In this week’s column, I would like to revisit the recently concluded
                                                                                             concept of national cinema.
                                                                                             things, showed the immense potentials of Sri Lankan young filmmaker,   a Modernist
                                                                                             The third edition of the Colombo International Film Festival, among other
                                                                                             apart from displaying the talents of young filmmakers from several other
                                                                                             noteworthy awards. What is important to note, is the avowed objectives of   STANDS FIRM  COLLECTI VE
                                                                                             countries who took part in the film festival and who walked away with some
                                                                                             the long run, it would create a vibrant Sri Lankan film market.
                                                                                             the film festival that is to create a short film culture in Sri Lanka so that in
                                                                                             Apart from Asian submissions, this year’s festival stood out for contribu-  Face
                                                                                             France and Poland. The festival was made up of three categories; the com-  STORE
                                                                                             tions (submissions) from European countries such as from Germany,
                                                                                             petition, the Coins World Cinema and the Coins Masters. During the festival
                                                                                             which was held at Sri Lanka Foundation (SLF), 56 films selected out of  280
                                                                                             submissions were screened while in the segment ‘the Coins World Cinema’ ,   ʹϱ ͹ͱ͹ͱ΁ͻ ϯͷͷϜͱͽ΂΂΁ ͻ΁ ΁ͷϯ ϱ΂Ϝͽ
                                                                                             a select few short film that were screened at international film festivals
                                                                                             such  as  the  Locarno  film  festival  and  the  Busan  Film  Festival  were   s I indicated earlier Tu Fu was an   01 SUNDAY,
                                                                                             screened. In the segment ‘the Coins Masters’ movies by veteran film maker
                                                                                             screened.  Abbas Kiarostam and Jude Ratnam’s film ‘Demons in Paradise’ were   outstanding nature poet who was   Standing firm on his stance that Sri Lanka’s reconciliation
                                                                                                      in the glamor of the capital and the
                                                                                             the Digital Film Academy (DFA) of the Sri Lanka Foundation (SLF), which   stilled;  It is midnight, jang and alps are  Aable to capture the vicissitudes and   disparity between his aborted   process could not be rushed, President Maithripala Sirisena   2017 ISSUE
                                                                                             The driving force behind the farsighted initiative COINS Film Festival is
                                                                                                   changefulness of nature with a remark-
                                                                                                 In a steep tower I gaze at the
                                                                                                      career and the wealth and comforts
                                                                                             has against odds, over the years attempted to provide a higher quality cine-
                                                                                                 North Star
                                                                                                      if is more successful acquaintances
                                                                                             for formal institution for cinema education in Sri Lanka.   Long have I been a myriad-league   only privileged theme; he was deeply   ad friends. Cleary they are close to   ENTER ARJUNA   brushed off United Nations High Commissioner for Human
                                                                                             ma education to Sri Lankan youth, to a greater extent fulfilling the vacuum
                                                                                                   able vitality. To be sure, nature was not his
                                                                                             Lanka, what is of paramount importance is to create, nurture and empower   Much ashamed of this hundred   interested in other themes such as poli-  lege. His poverty has become an   RightsPrince Zeid al-Hussein’s call to expedite the process.
                                                                                                      the court and basking in riyal privi-
                                                                                             To create a vibrant cinema culture, let alone a short film culture in Sri
                                                                                             formal institution for cinema education in Sri Lanka with a strong industrial   year fame   tics, social suffering and the march of   unending source of frustration and   The President giving a list of failed attempts at reconcilia-
                                                                                             focus. It is such strong institutional infrastructure that could not only bring
                                                                                             out higher quality professionals for the cinema industry but also be able to   clods;  O’er my land, vapor of windblown   time. Politics constituted a compelling   whelm the face of this mis-  MAHENDRAN!  tion in other parts of the world to the UNHRC head had empha-  Scribbler
                                                                                                      unhappiness; it has begun to over-
                                                                                                 Round the high hall, dust from the
                                                                                             lay a foundation for a vibrant Sri Lankan cinema culture. As of now, the
                                                                                                   theme in Tu Fu’s writings; it is important
                                                                                                      fortune. How to feed his family is a
                                                                                             depends on handful of dedicated filmmakers and allied professionals in the   The alien chick betrayed gener-  to keep in mind that what interested him   every day. troubling question he has to face   sized that he does not want Sri Lanka to be another Myanmar.
                                                                                             harsh reality seems to be that almost the entire Sri Lanka cinema industry
                                                                                                 waging war.
                                                                                             It is pertinent at this stage to look, even briefly, at the salient characteris-  Alas I all of you men from a   was not politics in the abstract but politics   can he savor happiness? A kind of   After Arjun Aloysius's daring escape last week,   During a meeting that went little over thirty minutes in New
                                                                                             industry who have made a substantial contribution to the industry.
                                                                                                 ous boons
                                                                                                      In the face of this misfortune how
                                                                                                      paradox  seems  to  suggest  the
                                                                                             tic of national cinema against the backdrop of COINS Film Festival and
                                                                                                   as felt on your pulse’ it is this predilection
                                                                                                 peaceful time.
                                                                                                 Similarly, we find kindred traits
                                                                                             ket for cinema.  renewed interest for creating a vibrant Sri Lankan cinema culture and mar-  demonstrated in the following poem   his emotions focus and a   answer. As David Young remarks, ‘if   York on Friday (22) evening, the UNHRC High Commissioner   Between the lines, yet outside the box! /
                                                                                                      a madman dying in utter poverty is
                                                                                                   of his that energized his poems and gave
                                                                                                 titled Outside the City.
                                                                                             &RQFHSW RI QDWLRQDO FLQHPD   Its bitter cold, and late, and falling   large number of his poetic texts politics   capable of ecstasy at the end, in the   it was the former Central Bank Governor Arjuna
                                                                                             In enunciating the pivotal role that the international film festivals made in   Dew muffles my gaze into bot-  and personal experience intersect in com-  Mahendran's turn to take the witness box to give   commended the commitment displayed so far by the Sri
                                                                                             Programming, and the Building of a National Cinema’, observes, “As film   Smoke trails out over distant salt   plex ways. The following poem, which is   Lankan Government to the reconciliation process, especially
                                                                                                 tomless skies.
                                                                                             creating and nurturing national cinemas, L i z  C z a c h in ‘Film Festivals,
                                                                                             tivals and programming mandates contribute to global film culture, to the   Where snow-covered  peaks cast   titled Midnight, bears testimony to this   You don’t have to   evidence before the Presidential Commission    regarding the Office of the Missing Persons (OMP) and the   Who says learning can’t be fun?
                                                                                             festivals around the world steadily proliferate, the question of how film fes-
                                                                                             life of film festival host cities, as well as to the success of individual films   shadows east.   fact.   look far to see the   of Inquiry into the issuance of Treasury bonds
                                                                                             and filmmakers requires serious consideration.

                                                                                             High-profile international film festivals such as Cannes, Berlin, Venice,   Armies haunt my homeland still.   impact that  psychologists make.   at the Central Bank.  release of lands held by the Armed Forces in North and East
                                                                                             Toronto, and Sundance play a large role in national and international film
                                                                                                 And war
                                                                                             culture, bringing concentrated attention from press, industry, and the public
                                                                                             to indigenous and foreign films. While each of these festivals provides a   A guest  Drums throb in this distant place.   They contribute in   back to civilian owners, but lamented at its slow pace.
                                                                                             nous filmmaking is also common in programs such as Perspektive   with  Overnight in a river city, together   almost every   23 September 2017  While noting that he would be more satisfied if the journey
                                                                                             platform for showcasing their international selections, highlighting indige-
                                                                                             Deutsches Kino at the Berlin Festival, American Showcase and American   Shrieking crows, my old friends, I   profession, You don’t   Story Continued on PAGE 4  of the government speeded up, Prince Al-Hussein requested
                                                                                             Spectrum at Sundance, or Perspective Canada at the Toronto festival. Each
                                                                                             of these forums undoubtedly plays a role in the formation of that specific   As I stated at the beginning my   have to look far to   Puzzles, games and fun facts to keep your
                                                                                             country’s national cinema culture as well as its reception and reputation
                                                                                                 primary intention in these columns
                                                                                             abroad. To further develop this line of inquiry, I will consider what roles film   is to focus on one facet of Tu Fu’s   see the impact that   SUNDA Y  LATEST EDITION  PRICE : Rs 30.00  President to ensure that the persons appointed to the OMP are
                                                                                             festivals and film festival programming play in the process of forming a   poetry – his modernist outlook that   psychologists make.   VOL: 06/ 47
                                                                                                 is well inscribed in many poems. Let
                                                                                             and the Perspective Canada series at the Toronto International Film Festival   us consider the following poem   They contribute in   acceptable to all.  kids occupied and entertained during your
                                                                                             national cinema by paying particular attention to Canadian national cinema
                                                                                                      almost every
                                                                                                      profession, You don’t
                                                                                             . “
                                                                                                 which reflects vividly this aspect of
                                                                                             mation of national cinema and what are the issued involved in the process,   is called I Am a Madman – the title   have to look far to
                                                                                             In dealing with the issue of how film festivals could contribute to the for-
                                                                                                 his poetic achievement. The poem
                                                                                             under scrutiny both within and outside the academy, the twin concepts of   My thatched cottage stands   see the impact that   MONEY PRINTING EQUALS 1.02% OF GDP (RS 120.4B)
                                                                                             he observes, “ While the concept of film canons has come increasingly
                                                                                                 itself radiating a modernist ring.
                                                                                             national cinemas and canonical great works continue to provide some of
                                                                                                 Just west of Thousand Mile
                                                                                                      psychologists make.
                                                                                             the primary ways we teach, study, and understand film history. National cin-
                                                                                             emas have been largely organized in terms of a body of great works by     Bridge   They contribute in   Sunday reading.
                                                                                             extraordinary filmmakers.
                                                                                             This development of national cinemas in conjunction with auteur theory   Would please a hermit fisherman   almost every
                                                                                                 This hundred flower stream
                                                                                             has been, by and large, readily adopted by film studies. In Canada, this con-     profession,
                                                                                                 Bamboo sway in the wind
                                                                                             tion of directors such as Atom Egoyan, David Cronenberg, Claude Jutra, and   Graceful as any court beauty
                                                                                             junction of national cinema culture and auteurism has led to the canonisa-
                                                                                             Denys Arcand, among others. Of course, the formation of a canon is not an

                                                                                             processes of inclusion in and exclusion from film canons share some of the   Even ore red and fragrant   the modernist face in classical  CBSL PRINTS
                                                                                                 Rain makes the lotus flowers
                                                                                             automatic, innate procedure but rather a contested cultural process. The
                                                                                             attributes of, without being synonymous with, the selection process of film

                                                                                             festivals. Film festivals provide an important site to help shape and confirm   But I no longer hear from friends   gutter, then Tu Fu is too. He laughs
                                                                                             as well as contest the canon.
                                                                                                 Who live on princely salaries
                                                                                                      at  his  own,  mixed  emotions  and
                                                                                             Canon formation, like film festival programming, necessitates a series of   My children are always hungry   encounters his own death with an
                                                                                             exclusionary practices. How a canon is formed and which films are exclud-

                                                                                                      odd sense of joy. His poverty, age,
                                                                                             ed depend on a series of mechanisms, some of which Janet Staiger outlines
                                                                                             in her essay “The Politics of Film Canons.” Among the most important pro-    With pale and famished faces   ought to depress him; his joy must
                                                                                                      illness, and approaching death
                                                                                             cesses, according to Staiger, are critical attention, film scholarship, and   Does  a  madman  grow  more   seem to most people a kind of mad-
                                                                                                   cottage he has built.
                                                                                             inclusion in film histories. In addition to these, Staiger outlines how a “poli-
                                                                                             tics of selection” engages with various discourses of value, art, and exem-  Before he dies in the gutter?   particularly fond of the thatched  the first half of the poem what we   performs enact can be usefully   While the entire world is engulfed by the Covid 19 pandemic, as a far-
                                                                                                      ness. He claims that that the poem
                                                                                                    Young goes onto point out that in
                                                                                                    find is largely a sense of pastoral
                                                                                                   My thatched cottage stands

                                                                                                      characterized as two emotional
                                                                                             Although Staiger does not discuss film festivals or festival programming,   I laugh at myself – a madman   Just west of Thousand Mile  contentment. Deeply sensitive to   summersaults. However, what  is
                                                                                             plary works to inform decisions related to canon formation.
                                                                                             similar discourses are engaged in the process of programming a festival.   Growing older, growing madder.   Bridge.   his surroundings, in harmony with   most noteworthy is the effortless-
                                                                                                      that. This poem of Tu Fu exemplifies
                                                                                             strongly with the kind of evaluative judgments made in programming. ”  poem was written during a relatively   The hundred flower stream   praise  for  the  circumstances  he   ness with which it accomplishes
                                                                                                    the spring season, the poet is full of

                                                                                             Selection decisions made regarding the canon sometimes correspond
                                                                                                 As David Young points out this
                                                                                             What is important to take into consideration is the fact that the discursive
                                                                                                    finds himself in. Then, perhaps,
                                                                                                 calm period in Tu Fu’s life. He is
                                                                                                   Would please a hermit fisherman
                                                                                                 growing old and is disappointed .at
                                                                                                      referring to.

                                                                                                    edged on by his own attraction to
                                                                                             nature of film festivals role in the formation of national cinema and the   the sane tine he delights in living   Bamboo sways in the wind   bamboos and lotus flowers, he   Chinese  poetry  that  I  have  been   (Concluded)  Rs 3.36B
                                                                                             broader concept of national cinema should not simply be limited to the idea
                                                                                             of movies produced and shown with the boundaries of a nation state.
                                                                                                    begins to think of his early existence
                                                                                                   Graceful as any court beauty
                                                                                                 where he has opted to settle. He is
                                                                                               Argus-eye  Re-mappings                                       sighted leading educational institute, we are more concerned about
                                                                                               ʹϱ ͻ΁ͶͷͷϯͱϜͱ Ϭͺͻ;ͱͽͱϜͱϬͺ΁ͷ    ʹϱ ЊϜ΂͸  ϯͻͿͱ; Ͷͻϫϫͱ΁ͱϱͱͽͷ
                                                                                               ͵ͷϱ;΂΁ Ϭ΂Ͷͱϱ Ϳ΂ϫͱͻ͵  ͵ͷϱ;΂΁ Ϭ΂Ͷͱϱ Ϳ΂ϫͱͻ͵
                                                                                             Mosaic         INFLATION ACCELERATES BY 25%                    making your dream to become a successful corporate leader come
                                                                                                                       Despite money printing, due to the
                                                                                                                       skills,  coupled  with  falling  rates,
                                                                                                                  money market’s  net excess liquidity
                                                                                             Diverse shades coming together /   ʹϱ Њͱ΁ͷͷϬͺͱ ͱͿͷϜͷϫͷͽͷϜͷ  (YoY), on a month on month basis,   Central Bank, thereby increasing the   Central  Bank’s  debt  management   SUNDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER, 2017  true. Because you deserve success, we at CMA have gone one step
                                                                                                                   by Rs 7,712 million (31.11%) to Rs
                                                                                                                       Government’s money printing borrow-
                                                                                                              accelerated by 25% (1.2 percentage
                                                                                                                       ing  costs,  Friday  over  Thursday,
                                                                                                          The  Central  Bank  of  Sri  Lanka
                                                                                                                   interpretation of CBSL’s open market
                                                                                             The vibrant hues of the human   (CBSL) printed money carrying a face   points) to 6% last month (August),   32,505 million, Friday over Thursday,   declined by Rs 62.24 million (4.35%)   further in our services & are pleased to announce the launching of
                                                                                                              while its 12-month moving average
                                                                                                                       to  Rs 1,369.31 million.
                                                                                                                       Meanwhile,  a  year  ago,  ie  on  8
                                                                                                                   Such  sales  are  foreign  reserves
                                                                                                          to help meet the Government’s mone-
                                                                                             condition    value of Rs 3,360.03 million on Friday   accelerated by 1.85% (0.1 percentage   operations (OMO),  statistics showed.  September, 2016, the Central Bank’s
                                                                                                              point) to 5.5% in the review period.
                                                                                                          tary commitments, data showed.
                                                                                                               The Government’s tax revenue as at
                                                                                                                   neutral,  ie  neither  leading  to  the
                                                                                                                       book value money printing increased
                                                                                                          As  a  result,  CBSL’s  Face  Value
                                                                                                                   Government’s total foreign reserves.
                                                                                                                       195,870.92 million over the previous
                                                                                                              GDP. The IMF wants this figure to be
                                                                                                          money printing holdings increased by   last year was equal to 12.36% of the   increase  nor  decrease  of  the   by  Rs  56.1  million  (0.03%)  to  Rs   the “CMA Sri Lanka Virtual Learning Platform” for students to facilitate
                                                                                                                   boosted by the Bank printing money
                                                                                                                       Book value money printing as...
                                                                                                               The Treasury also sold US$ 28.50
                                                                                             A section within Echo that discusses   2.87% over Thursday’s figures to Rs   increased to 15% by 2019.  Net  excess  liquidity  was  further   day’s,  7  September,  2016,  figures.   Story Continued on PAGE 2  PLAYING
                                                                                                          120,360.46 million, equal to 1.02% of
                                                                                                          GDP , as per last year’s GDP figures.
                                                                                                                   carrying a face value of Rs 3,360.03
                                                                                                          The  Census  and  Statistics
                                                                                                               part of the US$ 500 million it recently
                                                                                                               raised by a syndicated loan, to the
                                                                                             art and cultural matters, perfect for  Department’s latest data showed that   million (Rs 4,351.97 million), being   million.  Story Continued on PAGE 2  GENIUES  their study programme with convenience & to become a learner
                                                                                                          inflation, as measured by the Colombo
                                                                                             intellectual stimulation.  Consumers’ Price Index, year on year   PJP STANDS   BREAKOUT ROLE
                                                                                                                                             A STARTING
                                                                                                                   FIRM ON 20-A              RAJAPAKSHA     every day.                                   SCAN
                                                                                                                   SAYS IT NEEDS 2/3 MAJORITY               The Virtual Learning platform includes online lectures, discussion   QR CODE
                                                                                                                     AND REFERENDUM
                                                                                                                   ʹϱ ϫϭ;΂͵ͺͱ΁ͱ ϜͱͿͻͱͺ Ϳ΂ͺͱ΁ ͱ΁Ͷ ͿͷϬͺͿͱ;ͻͷ Ͷͻϫϫͱ΁ͱϱͱͽͷ  of past papers, e-study materials for students sitting the June 2020
                                                                                                                    The  Sri  Lanka  Podu  Jana  Peramuna  (PJP)  stands  firm  on  the  20th
                                                                                                                    Amendment to the Constitution that seeks to hold the Provincial Council elec-  Politics   Examination. Registrations for Foundation Level has now commenced   MORE DETAILS
                                                                                              The Sunday edition will also
                                                                                                                                                                                                         TO GET
                                                                                                                    tions on the same day, needs a two third’s majority in Parliament and approval
                                                                                                                    at a referendum, its President Prof. G.L. Peries told Ceylon Today, yesterday.
                                                                                                contain Glamour, a
                                                                                                                      The amendment is due to be debated in Parliament
                                                                                                                      later this month and the Unity government is can-
                                                                                              comprehensive 16-page
                                                                                                                                      Today’s state of play / Affairs of State
                                                                                                                       vassing support among MPs to gather a two-thirds
                                                                                                                       “A 2/3 majority is insufficient to decide the
                                                                                             lifestyle magazine filled with
                                                                                                                       postponement of the LG polls but it requires
                                                                                                                       a referendum and that is a ‘must,” Prof.
                                                                                               fashion and style tips,
                                                                                              interviews with prominent
                                                                                                                        Peries said. The petition was filed on September 9,   A tabloid to keep you aware of the latest   and Lectures will commence in mid June 2020 for September
                                                                                                                        with President’s Counsel Romesh de Silva   pressing issues within the local and   Computer Based Exams.
                                                                                                                        leading the team of lawyers comprising
                                                                                            persona, recent social events
                                                                                                                        Sugath Caldera, Niran Anketell and Harith
                                                                                                                                      international political arena.
                                                                                                                        de Mel instructed by Indunil Bandara.
                                                                                                                        Charging  that  the  government  is
                                                                                              and everything else you
                                                                                                                        bringing this amendment due to “politi-
                                                                                                                        cal expediency” the petition argues that
                                                                                              need to stay in vogue.
                                                                                                                        the effect of this amendment will be vari-
                                                                                                                        ous. It says it will affect the franchise, take
                                                                                                                        away the powers of the Provincial Councils
                                                                                                                        and  give  it  to  Parliament  and  violates
                                                                                                  In addition to these, every issue will come with one of the bonus magazines below, varying weekly.
                                                                                                                        The written submissions, obtained by Ceylon
                                                                                                                        Fundamental Rights.
                                                                                                                       Today, states that the Government was using the
                                                                                                                        amendment as a way of postponing elec-
                                                                                                                         tions.  Peiris  also  pointed  out
                                                                                                                          that the 5-year term of
                                                                                                                          three  Provincial
                                                                                                                           councils’ five-year
                                                                                                                           expires by October               LEVEL     FOR WHOM? MEDIUM CLOSING DATE
                                                                                                                           1,  and  according
                                                                                                                           to  present  law,
                                                                                                                           n o m i n a t i o n s
                                                                                                                          Story Continued on PAGE 2
                                                                                                         THE SOTHYS
                                                                                                     SUNDAY, 1 OCTOMBER 2017  SUNDAY, 1 OCTOMBER 2017  SUNDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER 2017  ESSENTIAL
                                                                                                     THE OPENING OF   SHAPING THOSE  THE OPENING OF   THE OPENING OF   AMPOULE  SUNDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER  2017  th
                                                                                                                         THE DESIGN
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