Page 19 - Portfolio
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2.4. Draw Dates
 Current sales of Mega Power stands at 500,000 per week. Sales
     2.5. Purchasing Patterns  2. ANALYSIS   2.8. Expanding the Market  Minimum Super Prize

 in highest in the Western Province, with Colombo and Gampaha   MEGA  1.1.   OBJECTIVES OF THE CAMPAIGN

                                   2.7. Segmentation
                                    2.3. Customer Perceptions
                get Aud   2.8. Expanding the Market
              2.5. Purchasing Patterns
             2.6. T
              2.1. Research Findings
 in the lead. While sales in Tamil areas have improved, they still   POWER  Mahajana   Wasana  Sampatha

                                             Create more awareness about
               Current sales of Mega Power stands at Rs. 101010 per

               Current sales is mostly limited to the poorer

 lag behind, compared to the rest of the country. The following  Govisetha  Sampatha   Current target audience has been segmented as follows.  NEW TICKET DESIGN
              Media Max Solutions conducted research with a view
                                             Mega Power, its super prize
                                     •  Total lack of awareness lottery buyers about
               week. Sales in highest in the Wesern Province, with
               segments of society: who are more likely to
             to finding out sales patterns and motivating factors
                                Sampatha GEOGRAPHIC
 map shows the current sales figures Colombo and Gampaha in the lead. While sales in Tamil   Dana Nidanaya DEMOGRAPHIC  and winning chances
                          Dana Nidanaya
                                      Mega Power Sampatha BEHAVIOURAL
                                               Neeroga PSYCHOGRAPHIC
               switch brands, rather than purchase more.
             among lottery buyers.   Neeroga  Jathika     •  No one mentioned Mega Power among the
               areas have improved, they still lag behind, compared to the
                                     Neeroga Aged 20 – 55
                                      first 5 lotteries that they know of. It does not
   3.   PLANNING    3.1. Market Penetration    Hence our campaign was aimed at current   Govisetha Islandwide, but   Sevana purchasers of   Believe that
               buyers, with a special focus on potential buyers.
               rest of the country. The following map shows the current  mainly urban,
                                                  ‘Good luck is

 (Existing Product – Existing Markets)  1. INTRODUCTION  Nidanaya  Neeroga sub-urban  come within the consideration set of buyers.  MON D A Y  WE DN E SD A Y  F R I D AY
                                                  just around the
                                             lotteries. At least
               sales figures.
    We believe that a multi-pronged strategy should      2.2.  Important Issues in the Lotteries Industry.  2 tickers per   corner’

 be followed in order to reach the desired sales     This is the current strategy being followed. It will      •  No one is aware of the fact that Mega Power

 figures. This would include increasing sales among   focus on increasing purchases among current users.   •  Too many lotteries in the market – from NLB,   THU  Mainly Sinhala  offers the highest Super Prize of Rs.5 crores,
              ‘Power Lotto’, introduced by National  WED
                                        Mostly males.
                                             Very little savings
             Lotteries Board,has been re-launched under
 current buyers and regions, followed by reaching   Market penetration will include inducing brand   as well as DLB    Potential   speaking areas as well as 3 winning chances  superstitious
                                        SEC – C & D.
                                             or planning for
 out into non-buying segments such as the Tamil   switching among current users of Development  DLB  Shanida  Buyers  Lagna  Mainly from   the future  Lagna Create a renewed

               •  Stiff competition between the Lotteries
             the name and style of ‘Mega Power’. This  Shanida
                                     Wasanawa poorer segments
                                                 identity and innovative
             new lottery is envisaged as Sri Lanka’s lottery
 areas and the youth segment.  Lottery Board brands, into the NLB fold. The bulk of   •  Difficult  for  customers  to  differentiate  and   OBJECTIVES  Wasanawa

                                      The research findings also revealed that lottery

             with the highest payout, starting at Rs.5
 the budget will be focused on this segment, as it is   remember the super prizes and other prizes   Jayodha Tamil speaking  Shanida SEC – C & D  Since Mega Power has an obvious advantage over the
                                      sales were lowest among predominantly Tamil
                                                  Do not believe
                                           Wasana Lower income
             crores (50 million), with the chance of the  lakshapathi
                                        Mainly from other lotteries, in terms of offering the highest super

 easier to increase sales among existing customers.   We have placed greater emphasis on potential   areas (North- areas. The research team found that people
                                                  that they have
               on offer
                                             compared to the
                 Super ball
                           Lagna Wasana
                                     Niyatha Jaya poorer segments
                                               Galaxy Star the chance to
               buyers, in order to avoid cannibalization of
                                           prize, this factor will be used to position in competitively.
 The creative message will focus on the:     super prize getting much higher, if it is not   Sanwardana East, Hill  Ada kotipathi  Fortune rest of Sri Lanka
                                      in Tamil areas did not believe that they had a
                                Wasana Country)
             won. •  Most people make their purchase decisions on
                                               Ada kotipathi win
                 Ada kotipathi
               NLB’s other offerings.
                           Ada kotipathi
                                          Super ball
               the basis of large Super Prizes (eg: Govisetha)  Super ball  chance of winning a lottery. This could be due
                      Niyatha Jaya
 o  High prize money being offered.   to the lack lotteries in Tamil areas, during the
                                           2.10.  Finding the USP
                                          Ada kotipathi
               rather that small Lottery tickets like (Eg: Ada kotipathi
                      Ada kotipathi
 o  More chances to win prizes  Delakshapathi, etc)  war years.     2 Main Reasons to buy the MEGA Power ticket
               •  By offering the largest ever super prize, MEGA      •  MEGA Price of the Ticket
               Power has a better chance of standing out in
                     2.9. Positioning
                                             Reach out to new
            Most Potent Competitors          •  Credibility of NLB
               the market                    geographical areas and
                      Mega Power currently offers the highest prize   audience segments
                      money among Sri Lankan lotteries. Given                                                                 iqmsß Ôú;hlg
                      below are the minimum super prizes offered by
                      different lotteries, as well as the maximum that
            NLB                  DLB
                      has been paid out to date                                                                                   ljqo wlue;s@
                                                        3 4 5 6 7  8
 Increasing Sales in current areas                                                                                                                               31
 Focusing on the Tamil areas and youth
 New ticket desingn
                9                                                                                                18
            4.2.  Price
           •   ‘Mega Power’ lottery
             tickets have been           TVC
             priced at Rs.20/- each
           •   While this price places     TV Commercials
             it on par with other
             lotteries, its higher
             Super Prize makes it
             highly attractive to
             lottery buyers
            4.3.  Place                                                 3.2. Market Development          3.2.2. Youth Segment
                                                                       (Existing Product – New Markets)
    Purchasing Patterns Mega Power lottery                                                    o  Tickets:  will have a distinctively youthful
             tickets will be sold                                           3.2.1. Sri Lankan Tamil areas  look                                                19
             in all parts of the                                         This proposed strategy will focus on the Sri   tA;a wudreu  SUPER PRIZE UPDATES ON PRINTS
             country, using the usual                                    Lankan Tamil areas, where the lottery purchasing   o  Promotions:   A  special  promotion
             channels, such as kiosks                                    habit has not gained sufficient traction. Proposed   programme will be held to induce purchase
             and itinerant sellers                                       action plan includes:  among the youth segment. The mechanics   35
                                                                                                of this programme are as follows:
           •  24  Special emphasis                                       o  New Ticket – We propose that a new ticket  jevl=;a fkdfjhs
             will be place on the                                         be developed for exclusive sale in the North-
             North-East parts of the                                      East regions. It will be drawn every week.  •   Since the ticket offers a super prize, we
             country                                                      This  will  help  create  the  idea  that  people   will equate this with a Superman image
                                                     13                   have greater winning chances.
                                                                                                •   Youth will be required to send in photos
                                                                         o  Draw in North-East: This ticket should be   of themselves wearing a Superman
                                                                                                 style cape
 SUPER PRIZE UPDATES ON PRINTS                                            drawn at a mega event held in the  North-  •   A weekly  prize  will be  offered to  the
                                                                         o  Regional  Offices:  NLB  should set up   best photo
                                                                          regional offices in the North-East, which will   This  will  be  published  in  a  dedicated
                                                                          coordinate sales and promotional activities  •
                                                                                                 website and Facebook page
                                                                         o  ATL, BTL and Activation: A concerted and
                                                                          continuous effort should be made to convert
                                                                          current non-buyers in the    North-East, into
                                                                          regular buyers.
                                                                       tA;a wudreu
        3.3. Allocation of Resources    3.4. Projected Sales     jevl=;a fkdfjhs
        The total advertising and promotion budget will     We believe that sales can be increased up from the
        be allocated as follows:  current level of 500,000 per day to 800,000 per     4.  IMPLEMENTATION    4.1. Product           33
                             day, within the next year, if proper strategic and
                             creative plans are implemented. Given below are the      We have decided to implement our strategy
                             projected sales figures for Mega Power, which we are   & creative proposal in terms of the 7Ps of
                             confident of achieving.                              Marketing. Having such a structure will help us
                                                                                  take a holistic view of Mega Power.
     Tamil                        Projected Sales Figures                                     34
     areas                                                                                       P2.
                                                                                          P1.   Price
                  Core buyers
               75%                                                                      POWER    Place  •   Name: The name ‘Mega Power’ has been chosen, as it
     Youth                                                                                               readily conveys the message of largeness, which refers to    17
     segment                                                                                             the highest super prize in Sri Lanka, which it offers. The
                                                                                  P6.                    word ‘Mega’ easily understood by speakers of Sinhala and
               Budget                                                            Environment             Tamil as well
                                                                                                       •   Payoff: We have chosen ‘Mega Jeevithayata Mega Jayak’.
                                                                                              People     This message will form the basis of all communications and
                                                                                                         will be carried across all media, including the ticket itself
                                                 11                                    P5. 21          •   Prize Money: The lottery has a starting Super Prize of
                                                                                       Processes         Rs.50 crores, which can keep growing to dizzying levels, if
                                                                                                         the prize is not won at an early stage
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