Page 9 - RME-Based Bilingual E-Module: Cylinder, Cone, & Sphere
P. 9


       Compiled Based on Curriculum 2013 (Revised 2018)

       Basic Competency           :  3.7 Generalize  surface  area  and  volume  of
                                        curved-face        three-dimensional         shapes
                                        (cylinders, cones, and spheres).

                                    4.7 Resolve a contextual problems related to the
                                        surface  area  and  volume  of  curved-face
                                        three-dimensional shapes  (cylinders, cones,
                                        and  spheres)  and  the  combination  of  3-D
                                        shapes with curves.

                                                    RME-BASED BILINGUAL E-MODULE—  iv
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