Page 164 - KM Inggris_BS_KLS_IX_Neat
P. 164
d. Proofreading
1. When you inish writing, show your work to a classmate.
2. Let your classmate read your work.
3. See what your classmate comments about your report.
Section 7 - Fun Time: Haiku
Unit 3. My Underwater Adventure
Write a short poem about a memorable experience of yours in nature.
The haiku poem consists of three lines. Take a look at this example:
Line one: 5 syllables a green sea turtle
Line two: 7 syllables swimming over coral reefs
Line three: 5 syllables burst into clown ish
Let’s try writing a haiku. This time, don’t worry about counting syllables
Step 1: Write two lines about something beautiful in nature.
Step 2: Write a third line that is completely different from
the irst two lines.
140 English for Nusantara | untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX