Page 84 - KM Inggris_BS_KLS_IX_Neat
P. 84

Section 2 - Listening
                             Unit 3. Indonesian Birds

                   a.  Listen to Audio 1.6. Galang, Andre, Monita, and Pipit are watching
                       some birds using a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. They bring their
                       notebooks, and pens. Listen to them talking about the birds that
                       they observe. Then, answer the questions.

                          All right,
                          get your
                         VR goggles,
                                 I will play a
                                 program to
                                take you to a
                                special place
                                to see various

                                   Wow. It’s                               I think we
                                                                            are in a
                                   Where are                               rainforest.
                                     we?                    Wow!

                                                       Over there.
                          Galang,   Is that the   Where?  On the    right. It is
                           look!   helmeted           branch of the
                                  hornbill?            old tree to   a helmeted
                                                       your right.   hornbill.

                                                               So, that
                                                              must be a     It is a
                                  Its                         female. If   beautiful
                                neck is                      it is a male,   bird.
                                white.                       the neck is

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