Page 96 - KM Inggris_BS_KLS_IX_Neat
P. 96
Section 8 - Fun Time
Unit 3. Indonesian Birds
Play a guessing game by following the instructions below.
1. Make a group of ive or six.
2. Prepare a list of words related to the bird’s body parts.
3. The irst group chooses another group to guess a word from
the list.
4. The irst group should give the irst letter of the word for the clue.
The irst group should also give a description of the word (It can
be the function of the body part).
5. The opponent’s group must try to guess the body part using the
clues in 10 seconds.
6. If the opponent group can guess the word, the opponent team
gets 10 points. If they fail, the irst group gets 10 points.
7. After that, the second group does the same thing to play
the game.
8. The team who gets the most points wins the game.
Section 9 - Enrichment
Unit 3. Indonesian Birds
Choose one of the two options below to make a post in your social media.
Then, see how many ‘likes’ you get from your post and your friends’
comments about your post.
1. Post a picture of a local bird and make a short report about the
bird as a caption.
2. Post a short video of a local bird and make a spoken report about
the bird.
72 English for Nusantara | untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX