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Minnesota attorney and co-founder of Virtus Law PLLC, Thomas Fafinski, has
practiced law for over 25 years, focusing on business, business succession and
estate planning. He has been selected a Minnesota SuperLawyer 6 consecutive years
and is rated “10” out of 10 by the independent rating service AVVO. He has been
frequently published and has been featured in radio show “Cover your Assets,” and
MSPradio. Tom has been considered a thought leader by the national estate
planning and business lawyer organization – WealthCounsel – where he has
provided professional instruction on various legal topics for continuing legal
education accepted in multiple states for other lawyers dozens of times. Tom is an
adjunct instructor for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, is a frequent
instructor for the national real estate and insurance training organization, Kaplan, on
the topic of advanced estate planning for real estate investors. Tom has spoken on a
national stage through the Cash Flow Summit Series, multiple episodes of MSP
Radio, Continuum’s national conference and many national WealthCounsel
Symposiums on topics of business law, business succession, real estate investing
and estate planning. Tom is a facilitator for two national estate firm master mind
groups. Gross revenue associated with Tom’s legal services is well over $30
million dollars and he has worked with thousands of clients.