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 For Caregivers: Navigating the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Like a Pro
 If you’ve ever helped a loved one choose a Medicare plan, you know there’s a lot to consider. To help make this year’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) go as smoothly as possible, here’s some information and resources that can help you understand the options available and find the coverage that fits their needs.
The Basics of AEP
Medicare AEP is an important time to reflect together on the care your loved ones have been receiving and plan for the coming year. AEP starts on October 15 and ends December 7; during this time, current beneficiaries should review their coverage and decide whether they want to stay with the same plan for the coming year or make a switch. Plan changes go into effect January 1 of the following year.
When you and your loved one decide on a Medicare plan for 2022, keep in mind that there are four options: Original Medicare,
a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan, a Part D Prescription Drug Plan, or a Medicare Advantage plan.
• Original Medicare includes both Part A — hospital coverage — and Part B — coverage for doctor’s visits and other medical treatment.
• Medigap plans are provided by a private insurer and help with some or all of the out-of-pocket costs you’re left with after Original Medicare pays its share.
• Part D plans only help cover your costs for prescription drugs.
• Medicare Advantage plans are actually
Part C — they’re administered by private insurers and are designed to reduce costs and improve health outcomes. Medicare Advantage plans also may or may not include Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage.

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