Page 4 - 2023-blue-solutions-renewal-guide
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  Our Blue Solutions portfolio helps meet the unique needs of small employers with cost-effective and innovative health plan designs, well-being programs, and value-added services We’re pleased to bring you the following enhancements for 2023:
Streamlined portfolio
Every year, we examine our portfolio to ensure our customers have options that make sense for their business and their employees. For 2023, we’re offering customers the flexibility to choose up to four health plan options when one option is an HMO/DPOS plan.
We’re also making it easier for members to understand their benefits by removing complex coinsurance up-to-max benefit designs on outpatient surgery for select plans. In addition, we're waiving the emergency room cost-sharing on all copay plans when members are admitted to the hospital.
Click on different products and services throughout the brochure to learn more!
Increased Achieve Well-being reward
Subscribers can now earn $300 (a $150 increase from 2022) when they complete six activities every year. Activities include, but are not limited to, completing their Well-being profile, a checkup with their primary care physician, getting a flu shot, and a nutrition counseling visit.
Learn more about Achieve Well-being rewards on page 9
New condition and lifestyle solutions
To help support your employees’ whole health, we’re now including Ovia Health (Ovia) and Wondr Health (Wondr) with our health plans, at no additional cost. Ovia provides family health and parenting support, and Wondr teaches sustainable weight loss skills.
Learn more about these lifestyle solutions on page 8

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