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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Helping Hands 2.0, continued Mah Jongg, continued
Friday, Oct 6 is the Club’s Annual SIG OPEN HOUSE. We will not be set hands with three to four people per table. We play the American
having Bevs and Bites that day, with this awesome event happening. We version on the current yearly card which is ordered from the National
will be participating with a food booth. We hope you will attend as all Mah Jongg League.
the money we make will be going to local charities plus you can have a Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting and
yummy meal! And Helping Hands members, we hope you will answer making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are
our call to volunteer to help make this event very successful. Full welcome. We can help you learn. Please contact Diana Bixby at
information later. or call 510 390-2543.
Sat., Oct. 26 from 10-2 will be the Club’s Craft Fair. As usual, we will
have our annual Bake Sale at the same time and hope that many of you Orchid Group
start baking now so we can have a spectacular event and continue to The Orchid Group will be meeting on Friday, September 13th at 1:00
support our local charities. All residents are kindly asked to bake pm at The Retreat.
something if they can. More information coming up. We were scheduled to have Dave Veach present “Orchids That Grow
This fall we will be sending out a survey to see what you would like Outdoors” however, he will be traveling so we are pushing that topic to
Helping Hands to do for our community. our November meeting.
Helping Hands was happy to contribute another $100 to Adopt-A-School The topic for our September meeting will be “How to Order Orchids
for their annual back to school drive. Online” plus a video tour of Carmela Orchids in Hawaii. By watching the
Please take the time to look at the benches at the entrance to the video tour of Carmela Orchids, you will see pictures of other types of
Retreat. We have put memory plaques on them to honor Bev Mumm and orchids to grow. Nancy Donner will do a short presentation on the
Paula Kelleher, both long time and valued members of Helping Hands. advantages and disadvantages of ordering online, what to look for if you
If you know of any residents who are ill, been hospitalized or suffered do decide to place an order and how to unpack your orchids when you
the loss of a loved one, please notify Marilyn Lane at receive them. All attendees will be receiving a sheet of local resources She will see that one of our volunteers will for buying orchids (for example Gold Country Orchids in Lincoln, CA)
send them a card. Such a small thing, yet so big! plus other orchid websites in the US where you can order good quality
We are looking forward to a great fall and all the activities that are orchids. We will be having our usual Show and Tell table so bring your
planned. blooming orchids. We will also be raffling off some orchids so you may
go home with a new one.
Line Dancing
Join us in the Wellness Room on Fridays at 12:00 noon for an hour of
fun, laughter, music and a lot of dancing. COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON
Contact for information on our group. AT THE CLUB
"There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them" Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of
PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle
10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
will help you come back up to speed.
Win or lose we are here to have a good time. If you are interested in
playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan
at or call (916)872-8984.
Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have
fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All
levels of players are welcome.
Days and Times: Friday 1:30-3:30pm, Saturday 2-4pm, Sunday 2-4pm,
Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm (if Wellness room is available).
Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be
added to our email list."
Poker Club
Wednesdays 6-9. Library. Low stakes; Low Talent. No weapons.
NO CHEATERS. Occasional snacks. No wild cards.
The official playing time is 6pm to 9pm every Wednesday. Men and the
better players (the women) arrive around 5:30 for a night of fellowship
Mah Jongg and very low stakes poker. We usually play in the Retreat library with the
Club-provided beverages just outside on the bar. (Occasionally someone
MAH JONGG IS PLAYED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 1-3 will bring some snacks.) This is fun Nickel, Dime, Quarter poker. It is
P.M. AT THE CLUB. Dealer Ante and Game Choice… We DO play interesting games. We DO
Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with NOT play WILD-card games. Most games are Stud, Draw or the newer
September 2024 Page 11