Page 31 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
P. 31
Emergency Medical Services First Responder Fee The Principle Behind The Fee
By Acting Battalion Chief Michael Bradley The principle rationale for the EMSFR Fee is that local government fire
department services have expanded well beyond the traditional fire
An Emergency Medical Services First Responder Fee, suppression generally supported by tax revenues. The change in balance
permitted under Roseville Municipal Code chapter 9.27 and State law, is a from fire suppression to medical services has shifted the rationale for
cost recovery mechanism for first responder paramedic services. financing fire department operations from primarily property-related taxes
Not all cities have firefighters who are also paramedics, as we do in to a combination of property taxes and user fees.
Roseville. This enhanced level of service protects our community to a The fee is not charged for responses where a patient is not transported to a
greater degree. First responder fees have become an industry standard local hospital. Calls such as smoke detector checks, lift assist, fire alarms or
among cities with this response capability to help offset the cost of the any medical check or medical aid that does not result in the person being
enhanced paramedic level of service provided by engine and truck transported by ambulance will not receive a bill.
companies. The purpose of the fee is to ensure that those requiring life
support services resulting in transport to a hospital pay the costs of receiving Insurance Companies and Your Medical Plan Makes a Difference
those services. To learn more about the Emergency Medical Services First Responder Fee,
including details on the qualifications and application process for the
The majority of the calls for service that our Fire personnel respond to are Compassionate Clause fee waiver, which includes either a financial payment
medically related, and often are administered to non-Roseville residents plan or possible fee waiver, visit
(meaning people visiting to shop, work, or leisure). The Emergency Medical
Services First Responder Fee ensures the level of service is maintained and Individual questions regarding the EMSFRF can be directed to Acting
that those people utilizing the services pay the reasonable costs for those Battalion Chief Michael Bradley at 916-774-5800 or via email at
services. Only those who receive life support services resulting in transport
Please read Questions 1 and 2 of the Fire Department’s Q&A page at:
to a hospital pay the fee.
How the Emergency Medical Services First Responder Fee was enacted fire_department_f_a_q_s
On October 7, 2020, after two hearings at meetings open to the public,
Roseville City Council adopted Section 9.27 of the Roseville Municipal NOTE: Early next year, Acting Battalion Chief Michael Bradley will
Code - Emergency Medical Services First Responder (EMSFR) Fee. This speak at a Special Neighborhood Watch meeting to provide an update
code adoption allows the City to collect fees related to the cost of providing on the Fire Department and answer your questions regarding the
emergency medical services that require transportation to the hospital by Emergency Medical Services First Responder Fee live and on Zoom.
ambulance for both city residents and non-residents. Mia Winter, NW Director
Duane Smith
1+(916) 871-5587
December 2021 Page 31