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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)                                     Club Veterans, continued

         We held our first meeting of the year with a very informational speaker.   Welcome to Rob Born our newest board member and elected Vice
         Carrie Wilcox, Executive Director of Sierra Pregnancy + Health Medical  President and EXO for the coming year. He will be taking the place of
         Clinic discussed the services that their clinic provides, and the impact of  Dow Sager who sadly passed away recently after moving out of our
         the recent court decisions and public policies is having on the clinic.  community. Rob is a Marine and a retired FBI agent. He and his wife
         They are a State Licensed Medical Clinic.  Some of the services they    Angela enjoy traveling and taking cruises. Welcome aboard Rob!
         offer are Pregnancy Testing and support, Std Testing, Ultrasounds,       This meeting we enjoyed guests from William Jessup University. All are
         Chemical Abortion Reversals and Parenting Education.  They also         veterans who came by to thank the Veteran’s group for our recent
         provide families with the essentials they will need once their child is   donation that help launch the creation of the universities’ first Veterans
         born.  All their services are free.  They do not get any federal or state   Resource Center there on campus. One of the few Universities in
         funding.  They are totally dependent on donations.  Randy will have one  California to have one available to expedite Veterans educational and
         of their donation bottles at our next meeting.                          financial needs making it easier for them to attend the university. The
         We discussed several bills that will be on this year’s legislative calendar,  university’s prime goal is to have “Not one Veteran to incur outstanding
         including AB 18 & 19, introduced by our own Joe Patterson.  These bills  debt while attending WJU!
         deal with our Fentanyl issues in schools and will place Narcan in all our  This center makes it possible for each Veteran to acquired more
         schools.                                                                assistance through the VA and receive that assistance faster than if they
         Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00 pm at  tried to get it on their own. A full time VA liaison officer will be
         the Retreat.  Our speakers will be Bruce Houdesheldt, Mayor of          available to assist them on campus, as well.
         Roseville, and Matt Click with the Placer County Transportation         You do nit have to be a veteran to join our group. All are welcome.
         Planning Administration.  Watch for our invitation by email and refer to  Come down and see us, have a cup of “Joe” and a donut on us!
         our group page for more information. http://                                                                      Cornhole
         Contact Randy at for more information or Alice
         at to join our group                                 Cornhole has found a solution to our beanbag issue and we will be back
                                                                                 “bagging those holes” in February.  We located beanbags filled with
                                     Club Crafters                               resin (not corn) and they do not produce dust.
                                                                                 Cornhole is a game where teams take turns throwing bean bags at a
         Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join    raised, angled board with a hole in the far end.  The goal is to land bean
         us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those      bags in the hole or on top of the board.  Teams are established each time
         unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I        from a lottery draw. If weather is permitting, we will play outside under
         guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. If you would like more   the overhang and in adverse weather we play in the Wellness Room.  A
         information about our group, please contact Dona Smith at (916) 771-    sign-up email is sent out approximately one week before scheduled
         8039 or email                                    play.
                                                                                 Cornhole plays on the first and third weeks of each month.  In February
                                    Club Trekkers                                we will play on Mondays, February 6th and 20th.  And then on
                                                                                 Wednesdays February 1st and 15th.  Monday play is at 1:00 pm and
         Trail conditions for February are tough to predict.  If trail conditions   Wednesday play is at 5:30 pm.
         improve we will get back to hiking on dirt, otherwise we’ll have more   Starting in January, Cornhole of will start a new competition for 6
         hikes on pavement.  We plan to hike on Tuesdays, 2/7/23 and 2/21/23,    months.  We will keep track of every individual’s score.  Then we’ll take
         and Saturdays, 2/11/23 and 2/25/23.  Neighborhood walks will take place  their highest two scores in a month and use those results in the
         on Saturdays, 2/4/23 and 2/18/23.  Information about specific hikes and   calculation.  At the end of 6 months, the high point winners will receive
         neighborhood walks will be emailed to Club Trekker members a couple     a prize.
         of days before hikes.                                                   All levels of players are welcome – come give us a try.  We’ll teach you
                                                                                 the fundamentals of the game if you haven’t played before.
                       Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters

         We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you   MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED
         have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222                       AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON
                                                                                 Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from
                                     Club Veterans                               10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.
                                                                                 Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in
                      Another new year and we are ready to make it a great one.  a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the
                      Lots of things happening already. This months’ first       game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each
                      meeting of the year will kick off our annual event calendar  others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan
                      along with choosing the crew who will bring our supporters  Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
         this year’s Spring BBQ.                                                 8984.

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