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Website Tip - Directory Search

          Our website has a robust directory search function.
          The upper right corner magnifying glass will search
          the website, but it will NOT search the directory. To
          search the directory, select “Let’s Go” in the Find
          Your Neighbor button or select Community in the top
          menu bar and then select Directory.

          Both methods will bring you to a screen like this:
          The first box contains the fields you can choose to search on. Press the dropdown arrow on the right side to see those selections. There are many
          options in the drop down menu in the Select boxes. The most commonly used options are first name, last name and street address, but there are oth-
          ers. You could find out if anyone else in the community has your birthday. If you meet someone walking their dog, you may remember their pet’s
          name. If they have entered their pet’s name in the pet directory, you can select on that. If you want to know if you know anyone in the Bridge
          Group, you can select Special Interest Groups.

           The second box to the right has the criteria you can use to search. Press the dropdown arrow on the right side to see those selections. The third box
          to the right is where you type what you are looking for. After you have made your selection in those 3 boxes in the first row, press “Run Filter”.

          Here is an example:
          That found 4 Debbies in our community, but I know there are 2 more “Debbies’ on Langtree. Why didn’t the search find them? It could be that
                                                                                                              they have set their permissions to not let
                                                                                                              anyone see their information. But it could
                                                                                                              also be that they don’t spell their name the
                                                                                                              same as I do. This is where the middle box
                                                                                                              that contains Equals makes this a more ro-
                                                                                                              bust search. If I select “Contains” instead
                                                                                                              of “Equals”, it may find them. Note that I
                                                                                                              also changed Debbie to Deb to simplify the
                                                                                                              search. If I select Deb with Equals, it won’t
                                                                                                              find anyone. Equals is for exact matches.

                                                                                                              That worked. I see my neighbors now. I
                                                                                                              almost always use Contains rather than
                                                                                                              Equals unless I have a specific search and
                                                                                                              know the spelling.

          The next row of selections will let you
          refine your search even further. You could
          select for “and” “street address”
          “contains” “Langtree” and that would just
          show my neighbors on Langtree whose
          names contain Deb. You can list the mem-
          bers of your special interest group or find
          all the residents on your street. It may be
          confusing at first, but it can really help
          you find a person to get their address,
          email, or phone number.

          Community Connections Committee
               Members are Happy to Help

                Debbie Ferris  916-616-6779
              Rebecca Jenkins 661-312-1012
                Barbara Allen 818-270-8837

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