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This Veterans Day was more special than usual for our group. As we gathered there with other Vets for the
grand opening and a tour of the University’s First Veterans
Resource Center. Our donations help create and build this quiet
place for the 87 vets now attending Jessup getting their degrees.
They now have a quiet place to study, meet and adjust to civilian
life while completing the next step in their lives. In addition, they
will have immediate access to the VA officers who are there to
assist and expedite for them any benefits for which they qualify. This is the first center of its kind for any
University here in Northern CA. Our goal and Jessup’s goal is “NO veteran will graduate with debt!” A
tall order but it seems to be working. 99% of their students graduate and go on to successful careers. It
must be mentioned that this year along with our usual donation, the Club Vets have offered our first schol-
arship to a deserving Veteran attending school at Jessup. It will be awarded in the Spring along with all
the other earned scholarships.
Later after the tour the Veterans were escorted over to the gym to watch Jessup play Oregon Tech. We all Major Nelson and Sargent Brei
had a great time; the kids were very appreciative. Thank you all for your support throughout the year.
Former Veterans Group President Roy Vanoni,
Current President Greg Cerlenko, and Stan Kasperik
Neighborhood Watch Update
The 2024 Resident Directory will include a listing of the active block captains located towards the back of the
new directory. The Club at WestPark is very lucky to have captains, to date -- who are keeping our neighbor-
hood safe and secure. Feel free to contact them with any questions.
Each month block captains receive information from the Roseville Police Department (RPD) Neighborhood
Watch Program for distribution to you. Also, if you are a victim of a crime and have filed a police report, a
line item of the report is sent to the law enforcement portal by the Roseville PD. Anyone
can register by zip code to access the information. Only, the street name, type of crime and date the report was filed is published. If you have
reported a crime, notify your block captain so he/she can alert other captains for distribution.
We are still searching for that “special person” to be the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for The Club at WestPark. At this time, we are “on
pause” as a Shared Interest Group (SIG) but are working behind the scenes to keep management informed. If you’d like to be a block captain
or coordinator, reach out to me. I am more than happy to help you get started.
Block Captain Mia Winter, Exminster Lane,
January 2024 Page 25