Page 27 - 2022-10
P. 27

Congratulations to Jon Georgie, Carole McGrath, Kathy Bolin                   Congratulations to Dave French, Bonnie Brown,
                               and Allan Panish for being the                                  Barry Gray and Rick Koehler for being the
                        Thursday AM Bocce August League Champs.                                Thursday PM Bocce August League Champs.

             Congratulations to Lee Ann Koppel, Scott Nielsen, Lynn Nielsen                 Congratulations to Gena Gibbons, Barbara Boyer,
                              and Bob Lyons for being the                                  Barbara Mason and Bill Templeton for being the
                        Friday AM August Bocce League Champs.                                 Saturday AM August Bocce League Champs.

                                      Website Tip - Chance to Wine a Bottle of Wine

                                                                                 Debbie Ferris:
          In the first week of November, we will have a drawing to give away a   Rebecca Jenkins:
          bottle of wine to two residents who have a photo in their website profile. Barbara Allen:

          Friends and Neighbors like to find you by photo when they only remem- 2. Ask the front desk to take your profile photo and add it to the
          ber part of your name.                                                     website.
                                                                                 3.   Add it yourself. Select the “Your Profile” link in the top right
          There are several ways to add your photo.                              corner of the club’s website. Then select the “Update Profile Photo”
                                                                                 link. It will let you rotate the photo if it comes in sidewise or up-
          1. Ask anyone on the Community Connections committee. We can ar-       sidedown.
             range to take your photo or if you email your photo to us we will add  4. Watch for Shannon’s blasts that announce a special opportunity to
             it for you.                                                            get your profile photo taken and added to your profile at The Club.
                                                                                 So, for a chance to win a bottle of wine and to help new acquaintances
                                                                                 find you, Please add a photo to your website profile.

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