Page 33 - 2022-10
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The area’s weather has been a roller coaster as Roseville Public Library has some exciting news….
of late. However, your Retreat Library collec- Starting October 17, 2022, the Riley Library at 1501 Pleasant
tion is a steady benefit for living in our com- Grove Blvd. will have more open hours. (The DT and Maidu branch-
munity. Stop by and check out the latest addi- es will have hours that best fit their surrounding area and may not
tions simply by browsing the shelves and se- match those of the Riley branch but it so exciting to have more hours
lecting those interesting to you. When you to serve the community.
finish reading, place the book into the return
box just inside of the doors to the Retreat Li- New Riley Library Hours
brary space. Our community builds this col- Monday & Tuesday 9am-6pm
lection through kind donations of titles pub- Wednesday 10am-6pm
lished within the last couple of years. Volunteers determine to add it Thursday-Saturday 10am-5pm
or to donate it to another cause. Fall is a great time to dust off the Sunday Closed
shelves but also to try a Retreat Library item to take home.
The Holiday Craft Fair will be held at the Maidu Community Center
Looking for a new mystery this fall? from 9am-3pm. The Native Craft Fair will be held at the Maidu
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman came out in 2021 Museum and Historic Site from 10pm-3pm both on November 5 .
AND he just completed the last in this series of 3 titles; first came Parking and entrance are free.
The Thursday Murder Club, then The Man Who Died Twice and com-
pleting the series is The Bullet That Misses. The reviews have been
buzzing about the cleverness, intrigue and irresistible charm that Sara Schlehofer
readers expect from the author. Retreat Resident and Librarian II
Roseville Parks, Recreation & Libraries
Duane Smith
1+(916) 871-5587
October 2022 Page 33