Page 12 - 2021-09 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     Shutter Bugs                                                            Wii Bowling
         members.  If you don’t receive one contact Terry Brady.                 Wii Bowling usually plays on the evening of the first Saturday of each
         We look forward to seeing you all in person at our next meeting. All club  month.  At this time, Barry and I are planning to resume playing on Nov
         members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of our         6.  More information will be forthcoming in October.  Watch this space for
         Facebook Group at:                            instructions about RSVP'ing for November.  For new players, send an
         groups/436603713658143. This is a great place to easily share your      email to for new player information including the
         photos. Give it a try.                                                  process for making a reservation.  We hope you'll join us in November.
         Should you have questions please contact Lou Frank at or Terry or any of your steering                            Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         committee members.
         All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of  The Wine Appreciation Group enjoyed ‘hot August nights’ with a visit
         our Facebook Group at:                       from Beau Cornell showcasing Bogle wines and great tasting ‘street tacos’
         groups/436603713658143                                                  from Authentic Street Tacos Food Truck & Caterer.  Special thanks to the
         This is a great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try.       hard-working Steering Committee, Brian & Dee Parry, Richard Wong &
                                                                                 Phil Washburn, Chuck Warren, and team members Caroline & Steve
                                                                                 For our upcoming September WAG Event, we are pleased to have to have
         For September we’ll be going to a play followed by dinner.  On Sunday,   Les & Sharon returning from Element 79 Vineyards & Winery to
         September 26 we’ll start with a play at the Chatauqua Playhouse in      showcase their delicious wines.  With the wine tasting will include private
         Carmichael to see “The Perfect Murder.”  Have you ever wondered how     Chef & Caterer Jeneca Kretchman preparing small plates that will be
         you commit a perfect murder?  Victor Smiley and his wife Joan have      paired with the wines.  This event is hosted by Rosie Lehto, Linda Bailey,
         been married for a long time.  But their marriage has reached a crisis   and Carol Gonzalez along with their team mebers! Details of this event
         point, and Victor has decided there is only one way to get Joan out of his   will be emailed to WAG members.
         life forever…but he’s about to get a nasty surprise!                    WAG Members – Please check your “spam” email box – we have found
         After the play, which begins at 2pm, we’ll stop for dinner at a Bennett’s   that some of the Club emails are going directly to spam including the
         where we will order and pay for our individual dinners.                 WAG notices.  Just a FYI.
         Chautauqua Playhouse opened to limited seating in May and were hoping   We are still asking for volunteers to host the WAG events for 2022 (which
         to return to full capacity by the end of August.  However, the theater   is just right around the corner).  The hosts play an integral role in making
         recognizes that its first responsibility is to ensure the safety and comfort   the WAG Events fun, enjoyable, and of course, learning and tasting great
         of their audiences, so they will adapt to the state and county health   wines!  And remember, the Steering Committee members are right there
         standards in effect at the time of performance.                         with you helping you plan and work your events! AND… You don’t have
         We reached the first RSVP deadline with enough people interested in     to try to sign up for the Event you are hosting!!!
                                                                                 We are aware the WAG Events do fill up quickly and we do our best with
         going to the play to make it a successful outing.   The theater still has   the space we have to try to get in as many of you as we are ‘allowed’ to
         seating available, so we are extending the RSVP deadline to September
         8.  Jan will be at The Retreat on Friday, Sept 10, 2-3 p.m. to collect the   do.  Be sure to put you names on the wait list just in case we have
         ticket fee of $21.   We can handle up to 18 for this event and there are 10   If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
         currently signed up.     If you would like to attend call Jan Gollaher at   questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
         916-749-4406 or e-mail her at  Because we        via email at
         need to pay for the tickets in advance, refunds will not be possible.    “Wine Drinkers Make Grape Lovers”

                                    Spite & Malice                                             Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group

         We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions      The actors in Ye Old Westpark Players are happy to be treading the boards
         about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-  again and getting ready for a November show! Of course we heartily
         6266.                                                                   welcome new members. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Theatre
                                                                                 provides a wonderful opportunity for all people -not just those who want
                                     Travel Group                                to act--but everyone in the community. Even if person on stage is
                                                                                 performing a solo piece, someone else must be responsible for lights,
         DATE CHANGE: Jay Fehan with Collette Travel will be here now on         sound, props, sets, costumes, etc. THEATRE IS A GROUP EFFORT. Of
         Monday, September 13th at 2pm for a great presentation on a variety of   course it would be for naught without an audience.   We greatly appreciate
         trips.  Join us in the Wellness Room.                                   the support we have been given in the past, and hope you will continue to
                                                                                 come to our productions, If, however, you might want to step out of the
                                                                                 role of spectator and join us backstage or on stage, especially men, as part
                                   Water Volleyball                              of the company, we encourage you to come to our meetings on Monday
                                                                                 evenings in the café, at 6:30 pm. Remember the words of Mae West," you
         Playing Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:00 p.m.  Join us!                     only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough
                                                                                 For information please contact: Director Rita (Cecil B.)DeMatteis
                                                        September 2021                                               Page 12
                                                                        or 916-786-0234
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