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Association Events

         minute one man performance will showcase the WWII Adventures of         What if you could truly enjoy the holidays without having to constantly
         Audie Murphy, his life and his crusade to help Veterans with PTSD.      stress about everything?  What if the holidays didn’t have to take a toll
         RSVP in advance at The Retreat $15.00 /  per person                     on your health?  In this program we will spend 8 weeks doing things
                                                                                 differently, and getting back to what the holidays are all about.  So many
                                                                                 times we get stuck in the shoulds and guilting ourselves when we don’t
                                                                                 follow through on those shoulds.  Shoulds don’t help us to follow
         Food & Wine Fair ~ Save the Date!                                       through with achieving the best health of our lives.  In this program, will
         Thursday, November 18th from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.                      switch our thinking from “I can’t” to “I can”, from “too hard” to “so
         Details to come!                                                        easy”.  How would your life be if you were able to go through the
                                                                                 holidays and not sacrifice your health? Let me show you how easy and
                                                                                 fun it can be.
         Cheers to Your Health
         Monday, November 15th at 9:30 a.m. through 1/3/21                       RSVP in advance - 8 week program cost - $249
         8 Week Program
         Workshop by Iselin Annonio, MPH                                         Craft Fair
         Certified Health Coach                                                  Saturday, December 4th from
         Behavior Change Specialist                                              10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
         Silverworks Health                                                      Calling all Crafters!  Bring your items to The Retreat and sell, sell, sell!
         It’s getting to be that time of the year again, and as we reflect back to the  REGISTRATION
         holidays of the past, for most of us there comes an intensity.          The Club Resident Sign Ups September 15th
         Maybe even the word holidays causes you to sigh.   But why the sigh?    Non-Resident Sign Ups October 15th
         What are the holidays like for you?  How are they affecting your health?  Pricing:
         Are you overly stressed, overly anxious, overspending, overeating,      6' Table RESIDENT Handcrafted $25.00
         overcommitment...oh my goodness let’s be over all of that.  If you are in  8' Table RESIDENT Handcrafted $30.00
         agreement then let’s agree to be done with all of that and not repeat this   6' Table Retail / Sharing / Non Resident $35.00
         year what has happened in previous years.                               8' Table Retail / Sharing / Non Resident $40.00

                         FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                 UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE                TIME

                         Shannon Van Every                                            Watercolor/Acrylic Orientation   Thur., Sept. 2nd    1:30pm
                                          Riley Library Tour (Off-Site)    Thur., Sept. 9th     9:30am
                                                                                      Painting Class                   Thur., Sept. 9th    1:30pm
                                                                                      National Chocolate Milkshake Day   Sun., Sept. 12th   6:30pm
           Craft Fair  - this years fair will be on Saturday, December 4th from       Craft Fair Registration          Wed.,. Sept. 15th    8:00am
           10am - 2pm.  Sign up dates are as follows and pricing details are listed   Board Meeting                    Wed., Sept. 15th    5:00pm
           above on this page.
           The Club Resident Registration on September 15th at 8am                    Kaiser Presentation              Thur. Sept. 16th    11:00am
                                                                                      Roseville Public library - Get the 411   Fri., Sept. 17th   1:00pm
           Non-Resident  Registration on October 15th at 8am
                                                                                      Bingo                            Sun., Sept. 19th    6:30pm
           Flyers - did you know there are flyers for you to take in the hallway by   Self Defense for Seniors         Wed., Sept. 22nd    2:00pm
           the HOA offices at The Retreat? The HOA flyers are on the right and the    ARC Meeting                      Tues., Sept. 28th    8:30am
           Shared Interest Group flyers are on the left.  There is generally a color flyer   New Homeowner Orientation   Wed., Sept, 29th   5:30pm
           in a sleeve then behind it are black and white copies you are welcome to take
           to hang on your fridge, mirror in the bathroom, or in your car to remind you   Figure Drawing               Sat., Oct. 2nd      11:00am
           about the fun event coming up that you are going to attend.                Pool Party                       Thur., Sept. 30th   11:30am
                                                                                      Loomis Basin Brewery (Off-Site)   Fri., Oct. 1st     2:00pm
           Shared Interest Groups - your Shared Interest Groups are having a blast!    Audie Murphy Story “To Hell & Back”  Tues., Nov. 9th   7:00pm
           Check out the pictures on pages 17 - 20.  The groups are always welcoming   Cheers to Your Health Workshop   Mon., Nov. 15th     9:30am
           new members… get involved!                                                 Food & Wine Fair                 Thur., Nov. 18th    2:00pm

                                                                                      Craft Fair                       Sat., Dec. 4th      10:00am
           Emails - please be aware that emails are sent several times a week from
           the HOA through the community website.  If you are not receiving our emails please check your junk/spam folder. Our emails are sent to over
           1,000 email addresses and are viewed as spam for several email providers. If you are having trouble with our emails going to your spam folder
           you can try to make a contact fro us in your email address book, our email is

           New Homeowner Orientation - this months Orientation will be on Wednesday, September 29th at 5:30 p.m.– RSVP at The Retreat.

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