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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Shutterbugs Wine Appreciation (WAG), continued
Shutterbugs FEBRUARY 2024 Announcement Our February event will be “All that Glitters”, hosted by Mary
The Shutterbugs’ next official meeting will be February 1st IN PERSON Gale. The representing winery will be Berghold Winery and the small
AT THE RETREAT USUAL TIME OF 2PM. We will share our photos plates will be done by Gourmet Garage.
from our field trip to the Folsom Power House and your best travel Look for Sign Up Genius to reserve your spot. Please note: we collect
photos. CASH only and no money will be collected at the door.
Our discussion topic will be travel photography. Also mark your We still need hosts for this year, so think about getting a few of your
calendars for our February field trip to the Sacramento Railroad Museum friends together and be a part of creating one of our monthly events. The
on February 16th. Steering Committee is involved in the process and will walk you through
Club members are encouraged to become a member of our Facebook each step.
Group at: This is I can’t emphasize this enough. Please order wine at these events. The
our preferred method to show your photos at our meetings. Give it a try. wineries generously donate all the wine we pour that evening, so it’s
All members were sent step by step instructions for sharing your photos important to support them so they will come back. If everyone bought
via our Facebook Group. If needed you can still send your pictures to just one bottle of wine, the evening would be a success. If you want the
Terry as attachments in an email or a Zip file for sharing. For questions, Wine Appreciation Group to continue, it’s important you support the
please contact Terry Brady, Lou Frank wineries. or any of your steering committee member. If you are not yet a member of WAG, but want to join, please contact
Should you have any questions feel free to contact any of the steering Bonnie Pavri at (707) 228-6255 or via email at
committee members. Cheers! “Love the wine you’re with”
Spite & Malice Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
Spite & Malice
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions Do you have a flair for the dramatic? We want you!! No experience
about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773- necessary. YOWP is gearing up for the 2024 Season. We are seeking
6266. new members at all levels & abilities. There are a variety of ways to
participate—on-stage & backstage. Only requirements—a willingness to
Water Volleyball
have fun, laugh & entertain. Be a Player If you have any questions or
The Water Volleyball club members are looking forward to the pool wish to join, please contact us via email at
reopening in April. We play Tuesdays and Thursdays @11:30am in the Better yet… join us Monday evenings
‘West end’ of the pool. All residents are welcome, and no experience or
special skill is needed. If you’d like to learn more about our club and
water volleyball, feel free to email Dan Ketchum at
Wii Bowling
The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each
month from 6pm – 9pm. We have a lively, fun competition to see which
randomly chosen team can score the highest average after playing a set
of 3 games to win the night's prize. We always look forward to
welcoming new members into our group and hope they will enjoy
playing the game and socializing with their friends and neighbors. If any
residents have an interest in joining our group, please email your hosts,
Barry and Diana Gray, at:
Our next game night is Tuesday, February 13th. Dues of $5 per person,
per game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of $25 gift
cards to various local restaurants are awarded to each member of the
highest scoring team. Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for
February, starting on Tuesday, January 30th at approximately 6
pm. Reservations are required in order to play. Won’t you join us?
Wine Appreciation (WAG)
The Wine Appreciation Group “kicked off” the new year with the theme
Football Winemania. It was fun to see everyone dressed in their favorite
team shirts! The featured winery was Scott Harvey Winery and we were
blessed by having Scott and his wife Jana at the event.
February 2024 Page 13