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This photo of the watch screen shows some of the apps available: I’ve also saved a few loyalty and membership cards in my Apple Wal-
let, including REI Co-op, AAA, and Ikea Family. These cards show a
Noise Alarms membership number, a QR code (handy when at the store), or a tele-
phone number. I’ve stopped carrying these cards in my physical wallet.
Activity Walkie-Talkie
Mail Photos The watch doubles as a bedside alarm clock while charging at night,
and will illuminate if gently nudged. I’ve found it works well when
Workout Weather traveling, not having to find my phone to check the time or wonder if
Compass Maps the hotel room has a clock, set to the right time.
Medication Messages I’ve used the built-in flashlight while walking at night down dark steps
Music Timers or paths, or trying to put a key in our front door (I’ll just say “Hey Siri,
ECG Heart Rate
Settings Getting more information/Disclaimer
If you’re interested in learning more about devices like smartwatches,
I’d encourage you to attend the Digital World Club meetings. The
Finances and Travel group meets at 10am on the 2 Wednesdays of the month. Helpful tips
The watch uses technology to allow me to pay securely (and contactless and useful information are shared by the leaders of the club and by the
-ly) for almost everything (groceries, doctor co-pays, restaurants, etc), members attending.
anywhere displaying one of these symbols:
I’ve only covered some of the pre-installed apps and features on the
watch, and there are many more available from Apple and 3 party
sites. I’ve greatly simplified the descriptions and functions of the watch
in this article for brevity.
It has been easier for me to double-click the watch side button and place I’d advise you to research any watch you’re interested in to understand
the watch near the merchant’s register than to pull the credit card out of how it works, what it can and cannot do, and to thoroughly read the
my wallet. I’ve saved several credit card(s) to the watch (Apple Wallet), watch manual/user guide. The information contained in this article is
and when paying, I select which card to use and the watch sends a provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to act as a
unique code for that purchase to the merchant. Apple says that this adds substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medi-
another layer of safety to using credit cards, and the information is en- cal professional.
crypted. I’m less likely to leave a card at the store or in the credit card
reader. Lastly, consider writing an article for the Courier about your favorite
device or device feature, and how it has helped you or made your life
The Maps application allows me to get directions and a route to a desti- easier.
March 2024 Page 27