Page 14 - 2022-05 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                      Poker Club                                                            Spite & Malice
                                                                                  We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions about
         Come and play Poker-Not cut throat. Tournament has been suspended        or wish to learn to play please call Jerye at 916-773-6266.
         until further notice.. Any questions call Phil Lander 916 872 8060.
                                                                                                            Water Volleyball
                                                                                  The 2022 Water Volleyball season is just around the corner!

         MAY 5TH SHUTTERBUGS MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT                                 What is Water Volleyball?
         The Shutterbugs next meeting will be in person at our usual time of 2 pm.   The Water Volleyball group is a 'drop in' sport, no dues or RSVP needed!
         on Thursday, May 5th. We will be sharing our photos from our High        No experience is needed either!
         Hand Nursery field trip and from our April photo theme of what           Two teams are created once everyone has arrived. We keep score, but just
         represents Spring to you.  Every resident is always welcome to join and   for that day. We usually play 4-5 games in an hour. Players serve &
         share photos without having to be an official member.  We kindly ask, out   return the soft ball back and forth to make points.
         of consideration for those who are at risk, that if you are not fully    The pool is only 3.5-4ft deep and is heated to 83 deg, so playing in water
         vaccinated and boosted, please do not attend. Please be prepared to share   is very refreshing.   Pool/water shoes are suggested.
         your vaccine status.                                                     We will play every Tuesday and Thursday from 12-1pm
         Our photo shooting theme for May will be taking photos of your favorite   If you'd like to be added to the SIG's email list to receive updates and
         beverage in creative ways. We will share these photos at our June        reminders, contact Dan Ketchum at
         meeting. Let your imagination lead the way.                                                          Wii Bowling
         Our May field trip will be on May 14th. We will be going to the Horton
         Iris Farm for the photo shoot and our group lunch location TBD.  NOTE!   Wii Bowling is usually played on the first Saturday of each month. The
         Due to wanting to take advantage of the best lighting we will have an    next game night will be Saturday June 4th.  Please watch for your
         early start to this event. Watch your email for the registration information.   opportunity to RSVP for June 4th on May 29th at approximately 6 pm, a
         FUTURE FIELD TRIP THOUGHTS.                                              week later than usual.  New players please email Barry and Diana Gray at
         Let us know what you think.                                     after May 24th to receive new player information
         • Loomis, Lincoln, or Penryn old towns                                   that includes how to place your RSVP for each month.  Dues of $3 per
         • Hot Chili and Cool Cars (September?)                                   person are collected on the night of the event and prizes are awarded to
         • Sutter’s Fort                                                          the highest scoring team. We hope to see you in June.
         • Coloma Living History days every 2nd Saturday.
         • Another fun Mural Walk in Sacramento.                                                      Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize on the way we     The Wine Appreciation Group (WAG) enjoyed a festive April event with
         present photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry
         and he will prepare for showing at our meeting. You will do the narration.   Jeff from Elevate Winery and excellent food pairings prepared by Steven
                                                                                  from Gourmet Garage.  Special thanks to the hard-working team members
         Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore this should   who worked this fun event!
         make it easier for everyone.
         PLEASE SEND TERRY AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PHOTOS AS                           Phil & Rich will be hosting “May the Wine Flow” for the May WAG
         “ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not imbed your photos in the body of the        Event.  We are pleased to be welcoming Klinker Brick Winery out of
                                                                                  Lodi and pairing the wines with small plates prepared by Chef
         email which makes it longer to download your files. If you have a        Jenica.  Details of this event has been emailed to WAG Members.
         question on how to do this, please contact Terry Brady.
         For questions, please contact Debbie Ferris   In June we will be welcoming Harney Lane Winery from Lodi and in
                                                                                  July, it will be our annual BBQ and party – this year we will be
         or Terry Brady or any of your steering committee       celebrating “60’s Summer of Love”.  Plans are underway for the rest of
                                                                                  the year events and Save the Date for the Annual Food & Wine Festival
                                                                                  on Thursday, November 4th!
                                    Singles Group                                 As a friendly reminder, if you sign up for the WAG event and are unable
                                                                                  to attend, please contact the Host or Helen to let them know.  Thank you!
         We're still looking for someone to plan May’s
         event.  One person or a group of people can plan an                      If you would like to join or have any questions, please feel free to contact
                                                                                  me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or via email at
         event.  Pick something you'd like to do and take a                       “Emptying a Bottle of Wine Counts as Spring Clearing…Right?”
         chance!  Our usual meeting date is the fourth
         Sunday of each month. The event can be our                                            Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         traditional dinner at a local restaurant, it could be a get-together at The
         Retreat, a trip to the movies, we've even gone miniature golfing!  It's    Thanks to the community for your support of our Spring Production
         pretty simple to plan, call the location and make a reservation and then   "Twelve Angry Jurors".  We will be taking a break and going dark for a
         take the RSVPs from residents.  The Communication Direction handles      while until we start to work on our Fall Production.  New members are
         all the publicity.  If you'd like to volunteer to plan an event (it doesn't   always welcome - no experience necessary!  If you are interested in
         have to be May, any month that's convenient works,) contact Schelly      acting or working behind the scenes, please contact Director Rita
         Jensen at                                       DeMatteis:

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