Page 28 - 2023-04
P. 28
Neighbor to Neighbor
BOWEN MODELS AND A TREE Roseville Quilters Guild Quilt Show
By Adley Shulman “Stitch in Time”
In December of 2021 and January of 2022 you may recall the brief Friday, April 21st 10-5 and Sat., April 22 10-4
“rainy season” with which we were blessed. Shortly after, Corinne and I Admission $8
noticed water damage to our house. The interior front wall and window Roseville Sports Center at 1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville
frames were damp, the paint was peeling off and the carpeting and its At the Show: Quilts, Vendors, Boutique, Country Store, Raffle Baskets,
padding were wet. It turned out to be a roof leak that had been developing Door Prizes, Lunch Available
since we moved in in January of 2013, upon completion of construction.
The house design called for rain water flowing past an upright Blanket Donations
construction on the roof to divert around that upright and flow toward the Reminder: As a member of Club Crafters, I continue to accept donations
gutter. The landscaping division of the builder had chosen to plant a for Sacramento Shriners Hospital and Sacramento Blankets 4 Sacramento
deciduous tree in front of the house. That tree grew taller than the roof, Kids (SBSK) from community residents.
and had dropped leaves periodically. Some of those leaves found their SBSK provides blankets to children in Sacramento and Placer Counties.
way under the shingles to the diversion area for the water just mentioned. The blankets are given to families in homeless shelters, hospitals, schools,
They formed a dam, which diverted the water away from the gutter and disaster relief, etc. They accept knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted, and no-
ultimately into the wall cavity. sew fleece blankets. In addition, I continue to donate items to Sacramento
After much labor, causing an inability to use one room of the Shriners Hospital. Each year Shriners provides a ‘wish list’ of items
house, requiring special hazmat activity to clear the air flow, a reworking needed for the hospital, children, families, and their ‘in-house’ school. I
of the roof water flow and a general inspection under other area shingles, also accept craft items from residents, such as yarn, fabric, supplies, etc.
together with a tree replacement with a shorter one, things ended The items can be used by other residents or donated. For more
satisfactorily --- except to our bank account. Since that time, we have information, please contact me, Denise Caputo at 916-782-1663 or
noticed that other Bowen models at The Club have similar trees located in
a similar spot. We urge those finding that to be the case to seek an
inspection of their roof before much more time passes.
“Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints submitted by our residents who have concerns or would like to share information.
Have something to share? Send an email to
April 2023 Page 28