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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)                                           Club Veterans

         Joy is celebrating the holidays with family and friends.  Our CRI family  A Mass for Jim Tedesco will take place on January 17th at
         came together to celebrate Christmas and Chanukah on December 1st.      8:30am at St. Clare Catholic Church.
         A couple of our newly elected representatives joined us for an evening   Wishing all our members, supporters, staff and residents
         of beautiful decorations, delicious food, and the perfect entertainment   in our community a very safe and peaceful holiday season
         for the occasion.  Some of us stood around the piano being played by    from all of us at the Club Veterans.
         Ramona and sang many of the traditional songs of the season.            There is no meeting in the month of December. See you
         As we look forward to 2023, we are planning meetings that we hope will  all next year on January 12th, at 10:00 AM.
         be informational with relevant guest speakers.  Our first meeting of 2023
         will be on January 5th.  We have one speaker lined up and we are                          Cornhole (New Group Forming)
         working on the second.
         For more information about our group, contact Randy at                  Come join the newly formed cornhole league!  We’ve been having   To join our group, contact Alice at             wonderful participation, a lot of fun and a few laughs.  Cornhole is a Or, log onto our group page at Club at WestPark     game where teams take turns throwing bean bags at a raised, angled
         CRI Group (                                    board with a hole in the far end.  The goal is to land bean bags in the hole
         We wish all of our friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year     or on top of the board.  Teams are established each time from a lottery
                                                                                 draw. If weather is permitting, we will play outside under the overhang
                                     Club Crafters                               and in adverse weather we play in the exercise room.  A sign-up email is
                                                                                 sent out approximately one week before scheduled play.
         Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join    Cornhole plays on the first and third weeks of each month.  In January
         us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those      we will play on Mondays, January 2  and 16 .  And then on
         unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I        Wednesdays January 4  and 18 .  Monday play is at 1:00 pm and
         guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. If you would like more   Wednesday play is at 5:30 pm.
         information about our group, please contact Dona Smith at (916) 771-    Starting in January, Cornhole will start a new competition for 6 months.
         8039 or email                                    We will keep track of every individual’s score.  Then we’ll take their
                                                                                 highest two scores in a month and use those results in the calculation.  At
                                    Club Trekkers                                the end of 6 months, the high point winners will receive a prize.
                                                                                 All levels of players are welcome – come give us a try.  We’ll teach you
         We will continue to have hikes on the 1st and 3rd                       the fundamentals of the game if you haven’t played before.
         Tuesdays and the following Saturdays.  Neighborhood
         walks will take place on Saturdays when there is no
         hike.  Hikes for January will offer the chance to get out                                             Cribbage
         and visit other locations within about an hour’s
         drive.  Emails will be sent to Trekker members two days                 MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED
         before hikes and walks with details.                                    AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON
         The hikes and walks planned for January are:                            Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from
         Sun 1/1 - Greet the New Year with an easy hike to Averys Pond           10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.
         Tue 1/3 - ASRE Quarry Road out and back, about 6 miles from the         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in
         confluence along the Middle Fork of the American River                  a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the
         Sat 1/7 - Magnolia Ranch on Hwy 49, 5 mile loop, about 8 miles east of  game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each
         Cool.                                                                   others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan
         Sat 1/14 - Neighborhood Walk                                            Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
         Tue 1/17 - Lake Clementine out and back, from the confluence to the     8984.
         view of the dam.
         Sat 1/21 - Find the migrating birds, Consumes River Preserve or Gray                              Democratic Forum
         Lodge.  The email a couple of days before the hike will give details.
         Sat 1/28 - Neighborhood Walk                                            Happy New Year!
                                                                                 2022 has been a productive year for our club—ending with a festive
                       Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters               party and the introduction of our new Co-Facilitators Audrey Ehrlich and
                                                                                 Chris Lauritzen
                                                                                 About a decade ago, Audrey was one of the first Co-Chairs of the
                           We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The   original WestPark Democratic Club!  She has been a dedicated active
                           Library.   If you have any questions please call Carol   member ever since. Audrey is looking forward to our next chapter as the
                           361-290-3222                                          Democratic Forum and the great opportunity to find others who share our
                                                                                 values and interests.  She hopes our old friends and new neighbors will
                                                                                 join us. She believes we have had a great start.

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