Page 4 - 2022-10
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ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER 6. What does a smart water sensor do?
Smart sensors, depending on the brand and type, are able to adjust for
rain, weather, and other factors to determine the correct runtime for
Christina Gee each station based on preset parameters established by the manufacturer. Our technicians set the baseline runtimes and the smart
controller, in conjunction with the sensor, take it from there. We still
have to abide by water restrictions and watering days.
Members~ 7. How are weeds, such as spurge/crab grass addressed?
I would like to thank each and every one of you that attended the Com- Broadleaf in lawns is treated in a two-part process. We utilize pre-
munity Chat on September 21, 2022, to discuss the overall landscaping emergent in the fall and spring to aid in the prevention of the weeds in
responsibilities and concerns. It was a great turn-out and we were able the first place and secondly, through post-emergent spot treatment via
to hear a lot of voices. Our goal was to get as many of your questions selective herbicide throughout the year. Post emergent has to be applied
and concerns addressed and answered. As always, if you have a ques- in spring and fall. During the peak of heat in the summer months, we
tion or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance. cannot use the broadleaf herbicide due to its volatility in temperatures
exceeding 85 degrees. When grass is stressed due to drought conditions,
Below I have provided the FAQs that were part of the handout packet. invasive weeds have a better opportunity to establish and proliferate.
Keep in mind that the questions below are seasonal and are aimed to-
wards the summer season. I plan on creating another FAQ sheet for the 8. How often is pre-emergent applied for weeds?
winter and spring months in order to keep everyone abreast of what is Pre-emergent with fertilizer will be applied twice a year, in fall and ear-
happening and why. ly spring. Pre emergent needs to be watered in and is not as effective on
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS yards with drip irrigation in the summer months without rain.
1. How often is my timer checked for proper run times? 9. How often is fertilizer applied?
BV has a full-time irrigation technician that is dedicated to the property. Fertilizer is applied every 2 ½ months for a total of 5 times annually per
He typically makes his rounds in the zone the pruning crew has just the contract specifications.
completed. He follows the same zone map. During these visits, he may
be making seasonal adjustments or making repairs submitted via work 10. Why aren’t all of my shrubs being pruned?
orders. Shrubs are pruned selectively based on the plant species and subtype.
We take care in pruning certain plants at certain times of the year in or-
2. How will I know if my timer has been checked? der to aid in the overall aesthetic, allow for bloom and plant health of
BV will place a colored dot sticker on every control box after adjust- the community.
ments. Each change to the timer will have a different color dot. 11. Why is there so much water coming from the drain in
my front yard?
3. How often does the timer get changed to different run The drain is connected to your backyard drainage system as well as
times? your gutter downspout. Water flowing out of the drain in the front yard
Timers are adjusted as needed and typically done during the irrigation is water coming from somewhere in the back yard. It is not connected
checks and repairs. Generally, it’s turned on in March, increased in the to the front yard irrigation. If you are unable to detect where the leak is
spring as temperatures rise and may be adjusted higher in summer. Fall coming from the City of Roseville will be happy to come out, at no
is adjusted down as temperatures cool and it’s shut off in November, charge, to investigate call 916-774-5761 to make an appointment.
weather dependent. We will follow restrictions and number of watering
days for each season. HOA’s historically see adjustments anywhere 12. What happens when my section is missed due to
from 4 to 8 times a year in extreme cases. holiday or inclement weather?
BV will be adjusting the mowing schedule to cover any days missed
4. What are the run-times for my irrigation? due to a holiday. On holiday weeks, multiple zones will be serviced per
AM irrigation cycles start around 12am and end about 5am. There are day so that all homes are visited weekly.
between 4-5 cycles that run during this time depending on the type of Inclement weather can cause the ground to be too wet to mow. Mowing
timer and sprinklers on the property. PM cycle is between 10pm and on saturated ground causes the lawn to be damaged and leaves ruts. We
11:45pm with 2 run-times. Drip system Monday through Saturday for a will more than likely skip an area during a rainy day and come back the
20-minute cycle. Depending on the sun exposure, some have 3 run following week – weather permitting. Heavy dew and moisture are not
times vs others with only 2 run times. cause to miss mowing. Time is spent doing other tasks, like pruning,
detailing and deadheading.
5. How come I cannot have my irrigation run time
increased? 13. Why have they not picked up the clippings yet?
Water run time and days are based off City and State regulations. In To increase efficiency, clippings are gathered in a few generalized loca-
peak heat, we generally schedule the max amount of run time within the tions and picked up at the end of the scheduled workday. This is usually
water pressure and water window restrictions. Without a drought, grass between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. If there is too little debris to be place in a
would be watered a greater number of days per week, but similar run pile for pick up, it will be disbursed onto the lawns as it causes no po-
times. tential damage and provides ample amounts of nutrients.
October 2022 Page 4