Page 2 - 2021-09 Courier
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Kim Puccioni, The Club at WestPark
Community Association
It’s been just over a month since Customer Service Representatives.
your newly elected volunteer Board June 15 - The Retreat doors opened for the first time
members have taken their seats, and in 16 months for a welcome event
to say they have a big job is an July 3 – A 4 of July party with over 100 members in 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
understatement. Please be attendance accompanied by food, dancing and fun! Roseville, CA 95747
reminded that the Board members July 15 - A Board meeting was held to tally and Phone: (916) 771-7801
are fellow neighbors who invest announce the results of the rental restriction ballot Fax: (916) 771-7827
their personal time for the betterment of the community. July 21 - A Board meeting was held to tally and
We ask for your patience and understanding as the new announce the results of the annual election
Board members become familiar with each other and the August 11 - The Board attended an orientation with
new role and continue to work with management to management and legal counsel to discuss governance, The Retreat Facility Hours
prioritize and align their goals. It is our hope that you governing documents, fiduciary duties and
will notice things getting done! responsibilities, and the role of a Director volunteer Daily
The Board President, Scott Smith has been very busy Board member 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
collaborating with the new Board and management to August 18 – The first Executive and Open Session
compile and share the total cost of the Retreat remodel in Board meetings with the newly seated Board
an effort to provide transparency to the members. He Job Responsibilities FirstService Residential
has also been digging up and researching archives to In an effort to streamline your questions and concerns, Customer Care Center
learn more about past issues of interest such as the café we are publishing the job responsibilities of staff and (800) 428-5588
warming oven and building defect work. I can tell you you will continue to see this each month going forward. Resident Portal
from personal experience working closely with Scott These job responsibilities will also be posted on the
over the past month that he is passionate about his role WestPark website for reference.
on the Board and constantly looking for ways to foster General Manager:
open communication, teamwork, and community culture. Board of Director/Operational items Board of Directors
Please be advised that the Board will continue to stay Voting/Ballot Questions Scott Smith, President
informed on Placer County Public Health updates and Billing Concerns (or call 24-hour customer care line at Jill Egbert, Vice President
will follow recommendations and mandates to make 1-800-428-5588) Dick Tipton, Treasurer
necessary changes to policies and procedures for the Accounting Questions Dan Ketchum, Secretary
Retreat as they see fit for the community. Resident Portal Issues Pat Patterson, Director
Proof of Vaccination ClickPay Issues Email:
One of the topics from the Board meeting on August 18 Christina Romero, Assistant General Manager:
was whether or not to require proof of vaccinations at the Landscaping concerns
Retreat given the reported increase in the number of Tree Issues
Covid cases around the country. The Board asked ARC Submittals 2021 Board of Directors
management to draft a plan to include policies and Work Orders Quarterly Meetings
procedures for proof of vaccination and other measures Compliance Issues (violations) Meetings below are open to all
necessary for the safety of all members entering the Retreat Maintenance members of the Association.
Retreat. The Board will be discussing this drafted policy Accounting Questions Monthly 3rd Wednesday at 5:00pm
at the next Open Session Board meeting scheduled to ClickPay Questions
take place on September 15 at 5:00pm. Resident Portal Sign-Up
Landscape Watering Schedules Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Manager:
GP Landscape is working to change all timers to meet Event planning, scheduling, questions Onsite Association Staff
the current drought restriction guidelines and these Monthly Courier Questions/Ads Kim Puccioni, General Manager
changes will be completed by the end of the month. SIG (coordination, planning, and implementation)
Carolyn Burleson Departure Fitness Class Questions/Scheduling/Orientations Christina Romero, AGM
After 12 years of working at the Retreat Carolyn has Fitness and Event Refunds
decided to embark on a new adventure. We wish her Private and Resident Facility Rentals Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
well and thank her for her years of service and hard work Resident Portal Sign-Up
here at The Retreat. She will be greatly missed! ClickPay Questions
The Good Stuff WestPark Website Inquiries
During this time of uncertainty and reluctance, I feel Customer Service Representatives: Home Specific Emergencies
compelled to share several positive things that have been Fitness and Event Registration (800) 762-5858
going on behind the scenes at The Club. The Retreat Name Badges and Access cards
opened the doors just over two months ago and since Event Set Up and Tear Down
FirstService stepped in on June 1 we have worked General Inquiries Home Warranty Questions
closely with your elected Directors to accomplish a great
deal in a short amount of time. Some of the things I’d NEXT Board Meeting at The Retreat and on Zoom
like to spotlight are as follows: Wednesday, September 15th at 5:00 p.m.
New Hires: Ian Wallace, Darcy Richardson, David NEXT ARC Meeting at The Retreat
Brown, and Logan Hazelhurst have all joined the team as
Tuesday, September 28th at 8:30 a.m.
September 2021 Page 2